
The group of girls walked by again, waving at him.

This time, anger got the best of me. “How do they know you’re not with me?”

Rylan’s eyebrows shot up and his usual smirk appeared. “But you’re not.”

I gestured in the direction they’d headed. “They don’t know that.”

“They’re just girls from school.”

“Girls who want to date you.” Even I’d admit that my tone had a jealous lilt to it. Damn it.

He stared at me until I fidgeted. “Do you want to date me?”

“Ugh. No.” I did. I totally did, and I was pretty sure we both knew that.

But I felt him getting closer to me too. Our relationship was transforming again. The texts came with more emojis and were way more frequent. He’d always pick me up if we were expected at the gym at the same time rather than just seeing me there.

“You sure about that?” He was still staring at the side of my face, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing that I was lying. Plus, there was no way I would tell him first that I liked him.

He leaned closer, whispering, “Positive?”

The big screen flickered to life, and the lights dimmed around us, surrounding us with darkness except for the light coming from the screen.

“Movie time!” I said too enthusiastically.

He laughed, moving away from me. He stuffed his hand in the popcorn and ate it next to me while we watched the previews. A lot of kids were still milling around, and I swore I heard those girls laughing nearby. It grated on my nerves.

Rylan must’ve noticed because he held out the popcorn for me. “Hungry?”

I dug my hand in and came out with a huge handful, using my other hand to pick up the kernels that had dropped in my lap and toss them in my mouth.

When the movie started, Rylan slid a little closer to me. My pulse picked up and my throat went dry, unsure of what to do. I felt as though I’d been ready for the past three weeks for him to make a move. I put the popcorn back between our thighs and he sighed, moving away from me.


He shook his head. “Nothing.”

“Fine.” I grabbed more popcorn and ate three or more pieces at a time, still unsure why I was so mad.


I turned to him, and his face was so close. “What?”

Of course, the girls picked that moment to walk in front of us for the third time, but Rylan’s gaze didn’t stray. Actually, he moved the bowl of popcorn and shifted his weight to be closer to me. I had no idea what to do, so I sat there like an idiot, making him break the entire distance. His hand went along my cheek and his fingers pushed into my hair. His palm was so warm as he tilted my head and lowered his lips to mine.

At first he brushed them softly with his, but I still felt heat and arousal deep in my core. A girl groaned and scoffed, but once his tongue slid along my lips, I opened for him and forgot everyone around us.

The kiss didn’t last for nearly as long as I would’ve liked, but after he closed it, he remained only millimeters away. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

I nodded, losing all pretense. “Yes.”

And that was it. There was a lot more kissing, and I didn’t remember either of the double feature movies. All I remembered was the way Rylan’s hands felt as he skimmed them up under the hem of my sweatshirt and how soft his lips were. I think I knew then that I was in trouble.

