“Is she gonna give me a lap dance?”

The excitement in Big Joe’s voice makes me cough up bile. Rylan bashes a fist across his face and the man spits blood millimeters from my feet. My shaking hands secure the man’s wrists, and we lower him to sit on the floor.

“Skinny Rick! We’ve got company!” Big Joe shouts.

Obviously we’re not used to this whole thing, otherwise we would’ve put something in his mouth to shut him up.

I grab a piece of fabric from the box which turns out to be a pair of panties. “Open wide.”

“I hope they’re your—”

I shove them in his mouth.

“Motherfucker, you better stop talking to her like that.” Rylan’s fist rains down on Big Joe again.

Skinny Rick comes around the corner and once again, he’s not what I expected. Rick must weigh about four hundred pounds.

“Ry!” I scream when Skinny Rick comes up behind him. Rylan hits him with the flashlight, but the man only blinks.

“That’s the best you got?” he says, giving a come-hither motion with his hands.

He could break Rylan in two. At first Rylan is fighting back, circling him as though they’re in a boxing ring, but Skinny Rick throws a fist and gets Rylan across the cheekbone. I see red and jump on the guy’s back, hitting him with my flashlight and whatever Rylan gave me.

Smack. Smack. Smack.

“You’ll have to do more than that, little girl,” he says, spinning as if I’ll lose my balance.

I clench my thighs tighter along his rolls of fat and the thing in my left hand starts buzzing. He stops and I stop, and we both stare at it.

“You gave me a vibrator?” I look at Rylan over Skinny Rick’s shoulder.

He gets a hit in on Skinny Rick because we’re both confused. Rick swears and his hands reach back to get me off him, but those short arms can’t manage it.

We continue this way for what feels like another few minutes, but what might only be another thirty seconds and I don’t see how this is going to end. Then the vibrator buzzing in my hand gives me an idea.

I scratch Skinny Rick across the face, and he howls in pain, so I use the opening to shove the vibrator in his mouth. He chokes, and I use all my strength to keep his hands behind his back while he’s trying in vain to spit the vibrator out of his mouth. “Get me something to tie him up with.”

Big Joe is mumbling around the panties I put in his mouth. Skinny Rick is wiggling to free himself and biting the vibrator. “Oh, that’s not nice. I bet you don’t like to be bitten,” I say.

Rylan glances back at me as he digs into a box.

“He’s like a dog with a chew toy. Get me something to put in his mouth too.”

Rylan runs over. We can’t get Rick secured with handcuffs, so we use some rope to tie his hands together. We push him on the floor away from Big Joe. I lift what Rylan gave me and look over my shoulder. He shrugs.

“Sorry, big guy.” I secure the ball gag across Rick’s face. “Breathe through your nose.” I tap his nose and stand.

“Shit, I didn’t think you had it in you.” Rylan laughs.

“Now what do we do?”

“I’m gonna call my brother.” He digs his cell phone out of his pocket. Hopefully, he’ll keep it quiet as to why we’re here or we’ll have to say we were outside and saw them break in, then came in after. “Do me a favor and lock Declan’s unit upstairs?”

“You want me to go up there by myself?”

He laughs and runs his hand down my arm. “Never mind, I don’t want you out of my sight anyway.”

I choose to ignore the way his words send a warm sensation through my chest.