“Just say the word.”

I can imagine his smug look behind me. “Rylan!”

“Yes?” he says innocently.

“One push, and don’t you dare squeeze my ass cheeks.”

“What do you say?”

I clench my teeth. “This was your bright idea.”

“I just remembered I have to get back to my mom. She asked if I could help her with the Halloween decorations.”


He laughs. His hands land on my ass, and he pushes me through. Although I have some scrapes on my hips, it’s worth it being free and in their kitchen.

“Still nice and firm,” Rylan jokes.

I groan and unlock the door for him to come in.

Bentley barks, but he’s facing the other direction. “So they really did get a dog?” Rylan asks.

“See what you miss when you don’t come around?” I grab a treat for Bentley and hold it out so he stops barking at Rylan, but he does the sniffing thing until he finds it in my hand.

We look around their immaculate house. I think I walked into a photo shoot for Pottery Barn. He keeps walking while Bentley keeps putting his nose between Rylan’s legs.

Rylan rolls his eyes. “Is something off with him?”

“He’s an elderly dog. They adopted him because he was going to be… you know.”

He raises his eyebrows. “Be killed?”

I cover Bentley’s ears and bring him closer to me. “Yes. He’s blind and almost deaf. But his smell is as good as any, right, Bentley?” I run my hand over his light-brown fur.

“Where would the storage locker key be?” I ask, wanting to get this over with.

He scours the area for a moment. “In his office. If it’s just his stuff in there, then I’m assuming that’s where it would be.”

We go to walk through the archway, but we can’t fit down the hallway side by side, so he stops and motions for me to go first.

“Thank you.” I nod.


Declan’s office is all mahogany, a drastic difference to how Aubrey decorated the rest of their home in light and airy colors. Rylan searches the desk drawers, and I sit on the leather sofa before I realize this is the leather sofa. I hurriedly stand and wipe my ass as though I sat in a garbage can.

The stories of the leather sofa accost my brain. Aubrey says Declan needs sex when he’s stressed about a case. She comes in to check on him when it’s late and they’ll often do it on the leather sofa.

Rylan stops moving and looks at me. “What are you doing?” A smile creases his beautiful face as his eyes take in the leather sofa. He and Declan must’ve had the same conversation. “Now you have to shower.”

“I see they’re both oversharers.” I help him search, but there’s no strategy on my end. I’m just looking aimlessly through the office.

Then Rylan opens a drawer and finds an envelope from the storage place with the number of the unit written on the outside. “Got it.”

Rylan beams and starts to walk out of the office when the sound of the garage door opening makes him stop. He looks at me. Oh shit. I run to the window and see Aubrey’s car outside by the mailbox. She pulls into the driveway, and we have no choice but to tiptoe to the back of the house. Bentley is unable to keep up with our scent, so he’s walking around in circles.

Rylan leaves first, and I lock the bottom lock of the back door and slowly shut it behind me. Then we run along the backyards until we cut through a side yard close to where Rylan’s rental car is parked. Thank God we brought his car because she would’ve recognized mine.