Aubrey elbows him in the ribs. His gaze shoots to me. That comment would’ve been better if it had been just the two of them.

Luckily, the bubble-popping kid arrives with our pitcher of beer and four frosted mugs. Rylan pours Aubrey and me a drink, and before he can pour one for him or Declan, mine is halfway done. This is going to take every ounce of willpower I have—not just being around him, but being around him while doing wedding things, because I always thought it would be our wedding we’d be planning.

For the rest of the night, Declan has us in stitches about some case he just handled for a boy who wasn’t properly trained on how to use a slingshot and his parents got fined.

Afterward, Declan and Rylan split the bill as they always used to. I lay some money on the table for my portion and Rylan looks at me as if I’ve offended him.

“What? We’re not a couple.”

He slides the money my way. “I’ve got you.”

I push it back toward him. “I don’t want you to have me.”

His eyes light up with mischief and his vision falls to my breasts for a minute.

“I mean, I don’t want you to pay for me.” I swallow hard.

He chuckles. Thankfully, Aubrey is in the bathroom and Declan is standing, talking to the people at another table, because the man knows everyone in our little cluster of small towns.

“Just keep it.”

I huff, taking the money back and figuring I’ll find a way to get it to him.

“Do you need my help with that slideshow?” he asks, irritating me. I already told him no.

“No. I had to reach out to Declan’s mom for some pictures, but other than that, I’m good to go.”

“Perfect.” He smiles, but there’s a condescending gleam to his eyes.

“Yep.” I bump his hip. “Can I get out of the booth now?”

He swivels so his whole body is facing me. “I kind of like you caged in.”

Again, his eyes fall to my lips, to my breasts, to the center of my thighs. My body feels as if it goes up in flames and I duck under the table to the other side of the booth, sliding out.

“Jesus, you don’t have to go to crazy lengths to get away from me.”

That’s where he’s wrong. I guess he doesn’t realize that he affects me as much as he ever did. Time passes, but apparently I remain stuck in the same spot as I always was with Rylan Greene—wanting more.



“Fuck, Calista, where did you learn that?” I’m panting with my fingers threaded through her long dark hair. Although whatever she’s doing with her tongue feels fucking amazing, I’m pissed off that she learned it from some other asshole. Then she does it again and my mind blanks. “Come here.”

Her body slides up mine, and the feel of her hardened nipples grazing my chest is everything I’ve missed. I can’t wait to kiss her again. I’m not sure how we got to where we are right now, but I need her lips on mine. That’s what I’ve missed the most—kissing her. The way her body curls into mine and the little moan that escapes her with the first swipe of my tongue.

“Come on, baby.” What is taking her so long?

The top of her head comes out from under the sheet, her dark hair a mess from my hands, but I love it that way. I lick my lips in preparation for her lying on top of me, feeling her warm center along my thigh. The anticipation builds and I grab hold of her cheeks as she emerges all the way.

I’m about to kiss the living shit out of her when I blink and see Alice, Aubrey’s grandmother. “I’ve missed this, Ry,” she says in Calista’s voice.

“What the fuck?” I scramble up my bed and a knock sounds on my bedroom door seconds before it opens.

“Rylan!” My mom stands there with her cell phone in her hand. “Why are you practically sitting on your headboard?”

I look down and my sheets are all askew. I’m sitting on my headboard, my hands still shaking. “I had a nightmare.”