Page 79 of Chapel Bend

“Hey, could you write that down and leave the review online for me? That’s one I’d like to print out and put on the wall.” Montana winks as she passes me my change. “You two have a good night.”


We wave at her as we walk out of the shop, headed back to my truck parked at Three Sisters, but then June moves to a bench along the sidewalk and takes a seat.

“Let’s eat this here and watch people walk by. I don’t ever just sit in the middle of town and enjoy it, you know?”

“I guess I don’t either.” Sitting next to her, I kick my feet out and cross them at the ankles. “I wonder if anything’s ever going to go in where the hardware store used to be.”

I gesture with my chin to the empty storefront, and June nods.

“I heard that someone bought it, and they’re splitting it into two sides. One side will be a clothing boutique, and the other is going to be a spa of some kind.”

“Maybe when they open, you could go get a massage. Relax a little.”

She snorts. “I don’t like being touched that much, remember? So, having someone getting all handsy with me sounds like torture.”

I look her up and down and then meet her gaze once more.

“You don’t seem to mind whenIget handsy.”

“I’m getting used to it.” She shrugs, finishes her ice cream, and tosses the empty cup into a nearby garbage can. “I definitely don’t want strangers touching me like that. Ew. No. Gross.”

I laugh as I toss my napkin into the trash and reach for June’s hand. “Come on, let’s go back to my place.”

“Are you going to get handsy?” Her eyes are full of humor as I pull her to her feet.

“Hell yes, I’m going to getveryhandsy.”

“Then lead on.”

“It’s getting socold in the evenings.” June dances back and forth beside me as I unlock the door, blowing on her hands to warm them up. “Winter is definitely almost here.”

“It’s notthatcold out there. You were fine on the bench.” I push the door open and let her walk in ahead of me.

“I know, but I’m suddenlyso cold.” She shivers and heads straight for the couch to wrap herself up in one of the many throw blankets she’s tossed about over the past few weeks. “Is the heat on in here?”

“Yes.” I join her on the couch and pull her into my arms. “Come on, I’ll share my body heat.”

“It only helps if you’re in the blanket.” She hurries to shift the throw, covering us both and snuggling up next to me. “But this isnota cuddle session.”

“Of course not. It’s a warming-up session. Out of necessity.”

“Exactly.” She sighs as she wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my chest. “This is nice and warm.”

“Good.” I kiss the top of her head and breathe in the delicious scent of her hair. “Where do you get your red hair from?”

“No idea.” She chuckles softly. “No one else in the family has it, so I assume my biological father or his family. It kind of reinforces the idea that Lauren, Cullen, and I have different fathers. We really don’t look that much alike.”

“I see a resemblance, but definitely not in your coloring.” I kiss her hair again, and her hand starts to drift over my stomach and up my chest. “You must be warming up.”

“Hmm.” She shifts to straddle my lap so the blanket is around her back and she’s resting her hands against the back of the couch. When she leans in to kiss me, it’s not a soft kiss, but it’s not hard and demanding either.

It’sfamiliar.It’s the kind of kiss that she gives because she knows me and is comfortable taking what she needs.

I fucking love that.

“Want you,” she whispers, and between kisses, she crosses her arms in front of her, grabs the hem of her shirt, and pulls it over her head. She’s wearing the hot-as-hell green bra that I love on her as much as I love it being on the floor with the rest of her clothes.