Page 77 of Chapel Bend

“I’d go find and arrest the little shit,” Cullen says as he paces the floor. “But I need proof that he did this. Otherwise, it’s hearsay, and the charge won’t stick.”

“Do you want fingerprints?”

“No, I wish you had put up cameras so would have video footage of him doing this.”

“Fine,” June mutters. “I’ll install some today.”

“Good.” Cullen takes a few photos of the wall. “I’ll take these to have on file, but you and Apollo should both file police reports anyway so we have documentation of it happening. Get me proof so I can lock him up, but be careful.”

“I will.”

Cullen looks over at me. “Keep her safe.”

June’s jaw drops. “He’s not—”

“Oh, shut up,” Cullen says, clearly irritated with his sister. “I’m not blind, am I?”

With that, he shakes his head and marches out the door.

“I guess we don’t have to tell him.” I turn back to her and see frustration all over her gorgeous face. “When do you want to go shopping for cameras?”

She scrubs her hands over her face and groans low in her throat.

If it wasn’t mildly terrifying, it would be sexy as hell.

“I don’t have time for this bullshit.” She turns back to the red paint and fists her hands at her side. “I wasnotmean to that kid.”

“You’re right, you weren’t mean, and you didn’t do anything wrong. He just didn’t like that you were his boss.”

“Maybe, but I’m the one being punished. Now I’m really pissed. He wants to ruin a saw so I have to replace it? Fine. He wants to steal a drill or a nail gun here or there? I’ll get over it. Butthis? This is such bullshit.”

“I won’t disagree with you.” I step to her and drag my hand down her back. She leans her head on my shoulder. “Don’t let it hurt your feelings, babe. He’s a punk kid, and he’ll be dealt with.”

“Yeah. Okay, I’m over it.” She sniffs, squares her shoulders, and firms her chin.

Then, just like that, she’s done beating herself up.

“I’m going back to work,” she says and pats my shoulder. “Have a good day.”

“I think I need more than a shoulder pat.”

Her eyes narrow. “No funny business on a—”

“Shut up.” I grip her shirt in my fist and tug her to me, dropping my lips to hers. The kiss is long and slow, soothing us both, and when I pull back and smile down at her, she smiles back. “Have a nice day, dear. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Right.” She swallows hard. “Tonight.”

I nod and back away from her and toward the area of the house where I’m working, but she doesn’t move for the door.



“You’re not working on this site today.”

“Oh.” She blinks, shakes her head, and laughs. “Right. See you.”

She turns and walks out the door without looking back at the message on the wall, and I nod in satisfaction.