Page 63 of Chapel Bend

“Yeah, it has to be haunted, don’t you think? With all these people?”

“You’re not helping.” I punch him in the arm, and he smiles over at me.

“I could arrest you for assaulting an officer.”

“Go ahead. It will get me out of here.”

He laughs again, and then backs out of the room, taking pity on me. “Let’s go upstairs, scaredy cat.”

“Thank God.”

Once back upstairs, I close the door and then flip the lock just to make myself feel better.

“You really are unnerved.”

“Wouldn’tyoube?” I ask.

“Not really. I’ll bet the city can help you,” he replies before ruffling my hair. “It’ll be okay. In the meantime, you could have someone come in and sage the place. Just in case.”

“Don’t think I won’t. Come on, let’s go back to Grandma’s and wait for Lauren. She should be here soon.”

“Shouldn’t we get some food? Maybe we should pick up some pizza.”

“Good idea. Lighthouse Pizza is her fave, but no anchovies. I don’t know how you can eat that crap.”

“They’re good for you,” he insists, making me laugh as I lock the door of the chapel behind us. “I’ll pick it up on my way over since you got lunch the other day.”

“Hey, thanks.” I wave at him and then grab my phone, deciding that, since I have a little time with Cullen picking up the pizza, I’m going call Apollo and see if he wants me to swing by and say hello.

“Hi, beautiful.”

I smile as butterflies start to dance in my belly. “Hey. Where are you?”

“I’m actually home right now. Where are you?”

“Stay exactly where you are.” I start the truck and put it in gear, heading toward his place, which is just a few blocks away. “I’m coming over.”

“You won’t hear me complain. See you soon.”

He hangs up, and seconds later, I park on the street in front of his small house. Apollo’s standing in the open doorway, shoulder leaning on the doorjamb, and his arms are crossed over his chest, and I start to salivate.

He’s delicious.

“I’m a mess, but I wanted to come see you for a minute,” I announce as I push him inside, shut the door, and jump into his arms. My legs wrap around him, locking at the ankles, and I kiss the hell out of him.

He braces my back against the wall, moans, and returns as good as he gets, not missing a beat.

I freaking love that about him.

“You don’t look like a mess,” he informs me, his lips pressed to my neck. “You look damn delectable to me.”

“Iamdirty.” I sigh when he bites the tender skin over my collarbone. “I’ve been cleaning at Grandma’s, and it was dusty and dirty. I have to get back over there. Lauren’s on her way down from Portland.”

“I thought she lived in Vegas.” His mouth finds mine again before I can answer him, and I groan in anticipation, gripping on to his hair. I freakinglovethe way his hair feels in my fingers.

“She does. She flew into Portland and is driving here from the airport.”

I’m grinding down on him, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside me right now.