Page 59 of Chapel Bend

“Oh, yeah. I totally am.”



“When do we have to be out of here?” I stretch lazily under the covers of this big, fluffy bed with the view of the ocean. The way the cotton sheets feel against my naked skin is bliss that could only be made better if Apollo’s hands were on me.

“In a couple of hours.” Apollo’s stretched out beside me, also watching the ocean, his hands tucked up under his head in a lazy pose that’s damn sexy. His hair looks so dark against the white sheets. His olive skin is smooth and tight over sculpted, rock-hard abs that I like to touch way more than I ever expected to. Apollo Winchester is something to look at, and I’m pretty smug about the fact that I get to be the one to lie here next to him and stare to my heart’s content. He turns his gaze to me, and he smiles. “What?”

“Not only do you have the name of a Greek god, but you also have the body of one. It shouldn’t be fair.”

The myriad of emotions that roll over his face is fascinating. He goes from surprise to embarrassment to satisfaction, all in a split second.

“Oh, really?” He turns toward me just as my phone rings, and I slide over to answer it.


“What are you doing?” Sarah asks.

“Nothing. What areyoudoing?”

“I have a question,” my friend says as Apollo tugs the sheet down to expose my breasts so he can leisurely tug at a nipple.

I brush his hand away.

“What’s up?”

“Have you been hanging out with Apollo? Like, apart from the group?”

“No, why?” I glance at Apollo, and from the look on his face, I can see that he can hear her.

“Because someone said they saw you together, and I said that wasn’t possible, but they insisted that they knew what they saw with their own eyeballs, and I want to know if it’s true.”

“You know I can’t stand that man,” I insist and watch as Apollo rolls his eyes.

“I don’t know…. I think something’s up.”

“I think that you’re overthinking, my friend. How’s Tanner?”

“You’re changing the subject. Don’t think for one second that I don’t know what you’re doing, Juniper Snow.”

“You always were a smart cookie,” I reply and have to bite my lip so I don’t moan when Apollo licks his way up my shoulder. “Can I go now?”

“Yeah, okay. What are you doing today?”

“Running errands and stuff for the Halloween party.” I catch my breath when his hand glides down my stomach. “Sorry, Sarah, I have another call coming in. I’ll call you later.”

“Okay, bye.”

I click off and toss the phone onto the bedside table.

“You did that on purpose.”

“Duh.” He nibbles his way across my chest as his hand does amazing things between my legs. “Let me show you just how much you can’t stand me, Juniper.”

“Holy crap,Grandma, I don’t even recognize the place.”

I’m standing in the middle of what’s usually the living room but is now a dance floor with a small stage in the corner.