Page 83 of Chapel Bend

“You’re so damn bossy. If I had known how bossy you are, I’m not sure that I’d be letting you do things to me all the time.”

He smirks and leans in to whisper in my ear. “You didn’t mind my bossiness last night.”

“That was different.” I laugh and then look around at all guys working in the chapel, feeling so much gratitude and love that I don’t even know what to do with myself. “You’ve already done so much in here.”

“We’re hoping to make a lot of progress today,” he agrees. “You already had all the fixtures and materials stored in your guest bedroom, so we’re installing them. If there’s anything that we do wrong, tell us and we’ll fix it.”

“Thank you.” I want to kiss the hell out of him, but the thought of doing that in front of all of these people is absolutely mortifying, so I just smile. “I mean it.”

“You’re welcome.” He winks at me, and my chest squeezes.

Damn, I have it bad for this man.

“Now, get out of here and rest. Don’t make me sic my sister on you.”

“Okay, okay.” I turn to walk out the door, but then turn back to him. “Can I sit in there and supervise? I won’t get up. You won’t even know that I’m here.”

He raises an eyebrow, and I narrow my eyes at him.

“Fine. Keep all the fun for yourself, then.” He laughs at my back as I walk away.

“Have a good rest,” is all he says as he firmly shuts the door behind me, closing me out of my own goddamn house.

“Well, how do you like that,” I mutter as I shuffle over to my truck. I admit, I’m already sleepy again, and that irritates me. “I just got kicked out of my own house.”

I guess a nap doesn’t sound too bad, but rather than go back to Apollo’s place, I head for my grandma’s house.

I haven’t checked in on her in a few days, and I miss her.

Only, when I get there, she’s not home.

“What a weird day,” I mutter as I pad my way up the stairs to my childhood bedroom. My phone pings with a text from Luna.

Luna:Rumor has it that you’re not feeling well today.

“Jesus, does the entire town know? Why didn’t he just take out an ad in the paper?” Chalking the irritation up to fatigue, I reply to her.

Me: Yeah, not great. Came to Grandma’s to nap for a while.

Luna: Okay, get some rest and feel better!

After setting my phone to silent, I slide into the old familiar bed and almost instantly fall asleep.

“Don’t wake her up.”

It’s a loud whisper that I assume is meant to be quiet but definitely isnotquiet.

“We need to talk to her.” Another whisper.

“She needs sleepmore.”

“I’m awake.” I sit up and scrub my hands down my face. When I crack my eyes open, I find my two best friends standing beside my bed, both peering down at me with concern. “Hi.”

“Hey. We didn’t know if we should wake you,” Luna admits as she reaches over and presses the back of her hand to my forehead, which I immediately bat away. “I want to see if you have a fever.”

“I don’t.” I glance to the window and frown. “What time is it?”

“It’s after five,” Sarah says and sits at the foot of my bed.