He nods, relief written all over his gorgeous face, and then he grins. “That’s hot as hell, actually.”
“Should I be offended that you’re so relieved that pregnancy is off the table?”
“No, you shouldn’t be.” He kisses me once more. “It’s not you at all. I don’t want an accidental pregnancy. If—or when—that time comes, it’ll be a decision we make together. That’s all.”
“Okay. Now that I’m completely uncomfortable, I think I’ll go see my sister.”
He kisses my hand, and there go those butterflies again.
“Have fun,” he says. “And come over any time. I’ll be here.”
“Thanks. And just so you know, I’d come over even if thereweren’tmice in my grandmother’s attic.”
“Good to hear.” He laughs and walks me out the front door. “Drive safe.”
I wave and get into my truck, but for the first time since I started seeing Apollo, I regret our agreement not to tell anyone about us because I’d very much like to tell Lauren all about how amazing he is.
“I missed this,”Lauren says, lifting a slice of pepperoni to her lips, just as I walk into the kitchen. “Hey!”
“What happened to you?” Cullen asks with a frown.
“I, uh, had to run an errand.” I hurry over to Lauren and wrap her in a tight hug. “Hey, baby sister.”
“You lookamazing,” she says as she grips my shoulders and pulls back to look at me. “You’re glowing, and you just look sohappy.”
“Glowing?” Grandma narrows her eyes, watching me closely. “Yes, that’s right. She’s been sleeping with someone.”
“Who?” Cullen wants to know.
“Spill it,” Lauren agrees.
“No one,” I reply, shaking my head and going for the pizza. “Grandma’s imagining things again.”
“I don’t imagine anything,” she mutters, shaking her head. “But, that’s fine, keep your secret. Lauren was just telling us about her latest project in Vegas.”
“What are you working on?” I ask before taking a big bite of pizza.
“A resort,” Lauren says. “Abigresort with an unlimited budget. It’s going to be amazing, and when it’s done, I want all of you to come see it.”
“When will it be completed?” Cullen asks.
“Not for a couple of years, so you have plenty of time to schedule in a trip.”
“I wouldn’t miss it.” I nod at her, but Grandma just makes a harrumphing noise and walks out of the room.
“Don’t pay any attention to her,” Cullen says. “She’s grumpy.”
“She misses you,” I add. “She won’t admit it, but she wants to see you more often.”
“I FaceTime her every single week. What more does she want?”
“In an ideal world, she wants you to move home.” I take another bite. “She wants you here in Huckleberry Bay.”
“Yeah, well, that’s not going to happen. Ilikeliving in the city, but I’ll do my best to come out here more often. At least twice a year.”