Page 6 of Chapel Bend

“We got the okay on the kitchen, plumbing, and electrical from the county,” Luna informs me, but when I just grin, she rolls her eyes. “You already know that.”

“I’m the contractor. Of course, I know. The health department will be back to do a final walk-through once everything is done.”

“It’s all coming together,” Mira says with a happy sigh. “At last.”

“I know it took longer than planned.” I pop the rest of the cookie into my mouth. “And I’m sorry for it, but I wanted it all doneright.”

“Honestly, I think it’s happening right when it’s supposed to,” Luna replies. “Besides, I wasn’t ever madatyou so much as a little disappointed and frustratedforyou, so there is no need to apologize. I’m going to take reservations from locals so they have a chance to stay here free of charge and experience it before I open it up to vacationers. Kind of like a soft opening.”

“I think that’s smart.” I nod, thinking it over. “Many of those people own businesses that cater to tourists, so it would be great marketing. If they love it, which we all know they will, they’ll recommend the inn to their customers.”

“Agreed,” Mira adds. “And I think it’s good morale for the community. They’re so excited about this inn, and making them feel like they’re part of it will give them a sense of pride in its success.”

“I’m honestly relieved that theyareexcited,” Luna admits. “They could have gone the other way and been angry about another tourist trap in town.”

“I haven’t heard anyone say anything bad about that,” I reply. “Granted, I’m the one building it, so maybe they wouldn’t say anything to me directly, but my grandma keeps her ear to the ground, and she hasn’t heard anything either.”

“Good.” Luna sighs in relief. “I’m so excited, you guys. Oh, and the holiday décor is coming in two weeks. It’sstunning.”

“Will you put a real Christmas tree in the foyer?”

“Of course.” She grins. “Wolfe and I plan to go cut one down the day after Thanksgiving.”

“Epic,” Mira declares. “This place is going to beepic.”

“You bet your ass it is,” I reply and reach for another cookie.

June 14,2010

Dear Diary,

My construction business is finally open! All of the ridiculous paperwork is filed with the state. I have permits and certificates and licenses coming out my ears, and I can finally put all of my hard work to…well, WORK. I’m finally done killing myself for the sake of someone else’s business, making a measly hourly wage.

I haven’t had as much pushback from some of the “good ol’ boys” as I expected, which is a relief. In fact, I didn’t have a problem at all finding enough people for a full crew. I know that guys will come and go, and that’s okay, but I’m just so freaking excited to have my own business. I’m going to make it work if it’s the last thing I do.

Grandma is my first client. She wants me to build a new deck for her, so that’s where we’re starting.

I have some possible projects lined up for the summer, too. Here’s hoping I stay busy! I now have a crew to pay, insurance to pay, and all kinds of other things that you don’t think about.

Luna and I are going to celebrate with pizza and beer at Lighthouse Pizza. I wish Sarah was here to celebrate with us. She’d get a huge kick out of it! I miss her. Don’t tell anyone I said that. Because I’m also really, REALLY mad at her.

Anyway, here’s to a new business! May it be awesome for a long, long time.





Ihate this house.

It’s not horrible, and I’ve seen far worse, but this isn’t the house that I’ll grow old in.

Plopping onto the couch, I let out a long breath and take a pull from the beer I retrieved from the fridge. Not too long ago, my buddy Tanner pointed out that this place issad,and he’s right. I’ve lived here for over ten years and have yet to hang anything on the walls. It’s cold and sterile, which has nothing to do with the thermostat, but it has the necessities, and that’s really all I need for now. Besides, I’m hardly ever here. I live and breathe my job, and I spend a lot of time with my friends and family.

Basically, this is where I flop down and shower before going back to my life.