Page 29 of Chapel Bend

I do. I tell them about every second of it from the minute I arrived at Three Sisters until I found Apollo standing behind me at my truck.

“I’m so glad that Apollo was there in case that schmuck decided to try to beat you up or something,” Sarah says, shaking her head. “What an asshole.”

“He thinks he can drivemeout of business?” Luna’s eyes flash with anger. “As if.”

“He’s not goingintobusiness,” I inform them both. “I’m meeting with Sally and Fred Newkirk tomorrow. They’re the couple I bought this place from, and they own the land that Eric wants to buy. I’m going to do my best to talk them into selling tome.”

Sarah and Luna stare at me for a second, and then they both cheer with glee.

“Hell yes,” Sarah says and high-fives me. “What will you do with the property?”

“Assuming they sell it to me?” She nods. “Well, there are two buildings currently standing on it. They’re abandoned, but I think I can fix them up and use them as long-term or vacation rentals. That way, it’s only two rentals, not some giant hotel run by a money-hungry idiot, and they won’t impact the inns and hotels in the area. No one goes out of business, and everyone is happy.”

“You be careful,” Luna warns me, a frown on her face. “I worry that you’ll piss off this Eric guy, and he’ll try to hurt you in some way.”

“He can try.” I shrug, not concerned in the least. “When what he wants to do to our town gets out,no onewill sell to him. He can just tuck his tail between his legs and get his ass back to New York City.”

“Still, be mindful,” Luna insists.

“I won’t do anything stupid. I promise.”

July 4,2012

Dear Diary,

Remind me NEVER to date someone I work with ever again, okay? That was a fucking disaster. He stole my clients and left to start his own business. What a prick. Why do all men suck so bad? Is there even one out there that isn’t a complete waste of perfectly good air?

I have to go scream into my pillow now.





It’s been a shitty week, full of work drama that has had me running all over town from job site to job site. If I didn’t know better, I’d say it was as if the universe knew that all I wanted was to spend time with Juniper, and it laughed its ass off at me.

I haven’t seen her since that night in her chapel, and that’s absolutely unacceptable. I crave her company, which might make me a masochist, given her fiery temperament, but it is what it is.

I want Juniper

Today, the stained glass windows are being removed from her chapel, and I wouldn’t miss seeing them go for anything in the world.

When I pull up to the curb down the block, just on the far side of where the city has set up barricades so the construction crew can maneuver the crane without worrying about traffic, I realize I’m not the only one who wanted to watch the show. There’s a small crowd on the sidewalk across the street. Most of them are standing around, chatting and watching the crew, but there are a handful of people who thought ahead and brought camping chairs. Smart.

I walk straight up to the chapel and go inside, surprised to see Juniper standing in the center of the space all by herself.

“Hey.” I walk over to her and smile. She turns my way and quickly blinks away tears. “Whoa, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“No.” She laughs a little and wipes her eyes dry. “No, everything is fine. The crew just got here about thirty minutes ago, and they’ve been trying to decide the best way to take them out without damaging my walls.”

“Then what made you cry?”

“It’s just all finally coming together, and I’m probably hormonal or something stupid like that. It’s nothing. I’m fine. What are you doing?”

“I came to watch, and I’m not the only one either. There’s a little crowd gathered across the street.”