Page 103 of Chapel Bend

“Me, too.” Luna smiles and looks at herself in the mirror. “Now, let’s get this show on the road.”

“Ladies and gentlemen,it’s my pleasure to introduce Mr. And Mrs. Wolfe Conrad!”

The applause is deafening as the newly married couple makes their way onto the covered patio behind the inn. Everyone they pass shouts well wishes and congratulates them, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen either one of them look so happy.

“That ceremony was beautiful,” Grandma says as she comes to stand next to me. She’s in a gorgeous, bright red dress that perfectly matches her red-rimmed glasses.

“It really was,” I agree. “How are you? Do you need anything?”

“Oh, I’m going to go get some of that delicious food in a minute or so. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine.”

She glances at my drink and then back up at me. “No alcohol tonight?”

I shake my head and feel the smile spread over my lips. “It would be really bad for the baby.”

Apollo and I told of our families, officially, that we’re together on Christmas. But we’ve been waiting to break the news about the baby until after my first trimester is over.

This isAnnabelle,though, and from the look of pure joy on her face, I’d say she’s pretty damn happy.

“Oh, my sweet girl.” She reaches up to frame my face in her hands. “You’re going to be one hell of a mama.”

“And you’re going to be agreatgreat-grandma.”

That makes her pause, and then she lets out a loudwhoop!“You bet your ass I am!”

Hurrying off to tell her friends, I smile at Apollo as he joins me.

“What was that about?”

“Well, get ready for the whole town to know that we’re expecting in about six-point-nine seconds because I couldn’t keep it a secret from her anymore.”

“It’s okay. I told my parents.” My jaw drops, but he just he shrugs, adding, “They’re leaving in a few days, and I wanted them to know before they went home.”

“That makes sense, and I know they won’t make a huge deal about it in front of everyone, but now that Grandma knows and is likely telling everyone with ears, I’m worried the news might take the spotlight away from Luna and Wolfe. That’s the last thing I want.”

Worry twists inside me, and Apollo draws me closer, dropping a kiss to the top of my head. Slowly, I relax, and my attention slides to my best friend and her husband.

“God, they’re so disgustingly happy.” They are sitting at their table, leaning close and laughing at something only they know about. Apollo laughs. “Why does that gross you out?”

“It actually doesn’t, but I have a reputation to uphold, you know?” I don’t pull away when Apollo takes my hand, links our fingers, and pulls them up to his lips so he can kiss my knuckles. “I’m not even trying to deck you for doing that in public. See? I’m improving.”

“Your self-control is awe-inspiring.” He winks when I narrow my eyes at him. “So, speaking of weddings, what kind do you want?”

“What kind of what?”


My eyes fly up to his, and he’s just watching me, waiting for my answer.

“Who said we’re having a wedding?”

“I did.” He leans in and presses his lips to my ear. “You’ll get your ring later when my giving it to you won’t steal any thunder from the newlyweds, but you’re marrying me, Juniper. I don’t want to have to live without you.”

“That’s so…sweet?”

“Also, I love you,” he adds. “We can discuss it all later.”