Page 63 of Nightmare's Fall

One of the two of them pulled the warm blanket off me, and with a teasing caress, Nic’s tentacles withdrew.

I deliberately moaned as he teased me. Both Geraint and Nic stared at me. The prince flicked his tongue across his lips and my knight cleared his throat.

Someone banged on the door, startling all three of us.

“Let’s go!” Robby shouted.

I laughed and rolled out of bed. Geraint took my arm and helped me to my feet. I raised up on my toes and gave him a quick kiss. Nic flowed out of bed, more shadow than man, and reformed next to me.

We left the spacious cabin, and I spared a moment to glare at a smirking Robby before I went and looked over the side.

The ship hovered just over the ground in another lush, grassy field. Colorful wildflowers mixed with the grass, and a herd of deer foraged in the distance. A herd of familiar white horses grazed nearby.

“Are we riding?” I couldn’t wait to ride one of the horses with the silver hooves again.

“For a little while, then we have to go on foot. Wise dream creatures avoid the forgotten dreams,” Robby answered.

“What does that make us?” Ash joined us at the railing, running her hand over the smooth wood.

“Certainly not wise,” Robby replied. “Desperate, however, does describe the situation.”

“All right, Spark. Do your thing so we can get down.” Ash gestured toward the ground.

I touched her arm, and she glanced at me, flashing a quick smile. “It’ll be all right, Ember. We’ll figure out how I feel about all this once the realm is safe, okay?”

“Okay.” I turned my attention to the dream essence that permeated the environment and pulled on it, thinking of teal silks this time. In moments, a set of fabrics tumbled to the ground, attached at the railing and the most perfect shade of teal I’d ever seen.

Ash shook her head in awe. “Well done, Ember. Maybe if I can develop some kick-ass skills like that, I won’t hate it here after all.”

I grinned at her. “Yeah. We’ll work on that for sure.”

Geraint went first, climbing over the side and down the silks. I noticed someone had given him a sword, and he had it slung over his back.

Ash went next, then Casey. Dio followed, lowering himself carefully. I noticed Nic watching his brother closely. Dio wavered a little at the bottom, but no one was brave enough to try to help him keep his feet. Nic stepped into the shadows, but Dio was recovered by the time Nic appeared next to him.

When it was my turn, I confidently stepped over the rail and lowered myself. I considered the fear that not-Baz had instilled in me while I went down, but my limbs didn’t freeze up, and I wasn’t shaking by the time I’d gotten to the bottom. My ability to control the silks and the situation gave me confidence. Yes, Nic would catch me if I fell, but really, I could catch myself.

I knew I was grinning when I joined the others, but no one commented on it.

The horses with the silver hooves that chimed like bells when they rang on stone came over, each selecting a rider. Nic helped me mount before assisting Dio.

I patted the warm neck of the horse who’d chosen to carry me. “Thank you.”

He flipped his head, acknowledging my words.

“I think I’ve dreamed of these horses,” Ash said, wiping at her eye. “They might have saved my life.”

The horse Ash rode curled his head around and lipped at her foot. Ash rubbed his neck.

I looked away, letting my cousin have her moment.

Once the others were mounted, Robby took the lead and we set off at a ground-eating pace. Though I didn’t know how to ride, as before, some magic of the realm kept me tightly mounted and I could relax into the horse’s motion and enjoy the experience.

The landscape we traversed gradually changed from lush green to a dryer grassland environment and when we reached the edge of the grasses, the horses stopped, none of them setting foot beyond the abrupt boundary between sand and grass.

“We walk from here,” Robby said.

I thanked my mount with a pat and slid off his back. He nuzzled me before turning to join the other horses. Their silver hooves flashed as they trotted away.