Page 57 of Nightmare's Fall

“You have chosen your human mate. Who are they?”

We all looked at each other, then back at the Queen. “Don’t you have to, like, have a ceremony and stuff?” I asked. At those words, a memory tugged at me, and a cold thrill ran through my veins. A couple of years ago, we had played at a wedding with Ember, but that was just a game, and if that had caused this, why were they only noticing it now?

“Yes, Dio, you do have to have a ceremony. Who is the human?”

I met Nic’s gaze. His expression hardened, eyes narrowing, and he swirled into shadow, hands clenched at his side. Baz still looked confused, but the chill I felt lightened to warmth. We got to keep her? Forever? Best day ever!


I ached to touch Ember. It was as if I were incomplete, and nothing but her presence would fix me. It wasn’t even a sexual desire. I needed to feel her skin against mine. But I’d screwed everything up.

Nic had taken the time to explain why she was with her knight, not that it made me feel any better. He’d also told me he’d absolutely destroy me if I did anything to hurt her, and I believed him. At one point we would have been equal in a fight of that sort, and I might have risked it, but I’d been incapacitated for years, and weakness tugged at my limbs and pulled at my eyelids. I wanted to sleep for a year to recover from what I’d done to myself. It had been necessary, but I was paying for it now.

When Ember left the cabin, I almost followed to see if I could apologize to her. I’d never stop feeling possessive, but maybe I could be less of an asshole about it. My exhaustion warred with my need to stalk prey through the darkness, stretch my legs and run, or take to the skies. I wanted to move, but I could barely lift my hand to feed myself.

After a bit, I glanced at the door again. She’d said we needed to get going, and I was sure she was right. Why was everyone else sitting here staring at me?

“Dio, go after her,” Nic finally ordered.

I clenched my hands into fists and glared at my brother. “She does not want me to.”

“You’re so certain?” Nic crossed his arms over his chest then faded partially into shadow, as he often did.

“Fairly.” Admittedly, I could barely think through my exhaustion.

“We don’t have time for you two to avoid each other. Go talk to her.” Nic solidified and pointed at the door.

Reluctantly, I stood.

“While you are attempting to grovel, I will procure transportation for us.” The jester left the cabin, the mortal he’d dragged through to Dream clinging to him. I still wasn’t clear on why we were traveling with a court jester. They were obnoxious at best. I still wasn’t clear on a lot of things. Nic had only taken the time to warn me about what would happen if I continued to threaten the knight.

I supposed there would be time enough for questions later. I avoided looking at the knight as I left the cabin, though I could feel his attention on me. He’d kept her safe and kept her from falling for a random mortal while we were unable to reach her. I should be grateful for that. But did he have to claim her as his own?

The growl that leaked from my lips let me know I had a long way to go before I could accept the knight, but if I couldn’t kill him, I’d have to work on it. I still wasn’t convinced I would let him live, but for now, we had to focus on finding Baz.

I sniffed the air, finding Ember’s trail. I always associated her spring breeze scent with the conscious realm and my childhood, but it was uniquely her scent and my beast wanted to roll around in it. I wanted to roll around in it. Giving in to some of my baser instincts, I slipped into the forest, quieting my footsteps, and stalking her through the woods. There was never a time when I was happier than when stalking prey through challenging terrain, unless I was stalking Ember.

This trail wasn’t a challenge, which, today, was okay. Maybe soon we could play in the labyrinth, or in borderland forests. The thought of chasing her delicious spring breeze scent through the wilds of Nightmare gave me a burst of energy, and the weight in my limbs lightened for a few steps.

Another scent crowded over the top of Ember’s. The pungent aroma of fantasy blossoms curled through the air. They fed off mortal dream energy and were relatively harmless for the sleepers, trading intense dreams for their sustenance. They were the reason mortals woke tired from particularly vivid dreams. The flowers were not harmless to creatures of the realm who might happen upon them and get snared in their trap. They would sap the dream being’s energy until the creature had none left to give and vanished, as they were unable to wake and escape the blooms. Essentially dying until a dreamer re-birthed it in some other incarnation. A mortal caught in their heady fragrance would likely die.

I hastened, giving up the chase in favor of speed, in case Ember was ensnared.

Pausing at the edge of the patch of blossoms, I saw my fears had been justified. Ember kneeled, surrounded by vibrant blooms, eyes shut, an expression of peaceful bliss on her face. Though it seemed cruel to wake her from whatever pleasant dream held her, leaving her would be far worse.

I stomped through the flowers, crushing blossoms and stems, angry at them for endangering my princess.

“Ember,” I snarled.

When she didn’t reply, I lunged forward and grabbed her around the waist. She went limp when I stood her up, so I threw her over my shoulders and staggered out of the patch before the fragrance could pull me under. Already it tugged at my exhaustion, promising sleep in the arms of my princess. If I hadn’t known better, I would have succumbed.

I rushed out of the deadly patch of flowers toward fresher air, staggering under Ember’s weight. She wasn’t overly heavy, but my limbs had little extra strength. I made it back to the clearing around the sugary cabin and gently lowered her to the ground, collapsing next to her, gasping for breath.

“What happened?” That damn knight came out, followed by Nic and Ember’s cousin.

“Fantasy blossoms.” I shifted Ember into a more comfortable position and lifted her head so that it rested on my thigh, not having anything better to cushion her with.

“She’ll be all right in a few minutes,” Nic said, shoulders easing. “Perhaps saddened to be awake, judging by the cheerful expression on her face, but otherwise all right. It was good that you found her, Dio.”