Page 55 of Nightmare's Fall

“I’m all right, Ember. I’d rather be stuck here than dead. It’s just a lot to process right now. Get some sleep. I want to try out that marshmallow couch.” She turned and smiled sadly at me.

I nodded and resumed my quest for a bed. Nic could join us if he wanted.

Dio stepped into my path, glaring at Geraint.

“What do you think you’re doing, knight?”

I sighed. “You do remember the part where who I share a bed with isn’t any of your business, right?”

Dio stepped forward until his chest was in my face. He was taller, like Nic. My heart raced in fear, but I refused to back down, knowing he wouldn’t hurt me.

“You are my princess,” he growled. “It is my business, and you are not sleeping with a knight. He will die for his trespass.”

“Wow, old-fashioned ideals and jealous, controlling assholes are so sexy,” Ash said sarcastically. “And people wonder why I don’t date men.”

Dio frowned, distracted by Ash’s biting comments. “What?”

“You heard me, asshole. Now go find your own place to sleep and leave Ember and Geraint alone.” Ash came up behind me.

Nic swirled into being next to Dio.

“Yeah, you’re not very attractive when you’re being a dick,” Casey added from the couch where she still sat with Robby.

“I think I liked you better when you didn’t have your essence,” I finished. “You weren’t like this when we were kids or I’m not sure I would have enjoyed your company then. I’m certainly not enjoying it now. Move.” I jabbed him in the chest and for a wonder, he backed off.

Though I kept myself between him and my knight, he didn’t try anything when I pulled Geraint past. I picked the first door I came to and pulled Knight inside with me.

“Spark,” Geraint said hesitantly. “This is a closet.”

“Fuck,” I muttered.

He chuckled. “At least it’s a linen closet. We’ll make it work. Come on. Let’s get some rest.”

“Biggest linen closet I’ve ever seen.” It was basically a walk in full of blankets and sheets. We pulled a bunch down and made ourselves a nest. Geraint curled around me and, feeling safe, I drifted off.

Before I’d fully fallen asleep, Geraint whispered in my ear. “It’s super sexy when you defend me like that.”

I curled my lips in a smile. “You usually take care of me. Nice to be able to return the favor.”


Morning brought a sugary breakfast, a few surly glances from Dio, and a brilliant sunrise that we somehow got to see when we went outside for a few minutes, though I swore we had slept in hours past when the sun should have been high in the sky.

Nic had joined us for a while last night, but he’d spent most of the time keeping watch while the rest of us rested.

Dio looked tired today, sitting slumped in one of the marshmallow chairs. I suspected yesterday his essence had been energized by feeding on all that energy from the snakes. Today, he was likely feeling the effects of the long separation between his body and his essence.

I wasn’t ready to deal with his attitude, though I was glad he was back in one piece. Casey looked like she hadn’t slept, but Ash seemed like herself today.

“All right, shadow boy, if I’m going to be stuck here, I want a stabby unicorn. How do I get one?” Ash clunked her mug down on the table for emphasis.

Nic studied her gravely. “We will work on it. Let’s see if we can find Baz first.”

“Fine, but then we’re going unicorn hunting,” Ash insisted.

Nic inclined his head in agreement while Dio glowered at all of us.

Casey glanced up hopefully at Robby.