Page 34 of Nightmare's Fall

“Fully formed dreams getting through the weak points are very rare. I don’t know if that is a pathway we can utilize for us to travel. It’s worth looking into, but it’s also possible we could do enough damage to tear the barrier and let more through.”

“If we desperately have to get Dio back to Dream, we may not have a choice,” I pointed out.

Nic took a breath and nodded. “I am not sure it will work.”

“You also weren’t sure I could repair the arch.”

My prince gave me a fond smile. “I knew you could do it. I just wasn’t sure if you would be able to figure it out under the circumstances. I remembered from our childhood that the best way to motivate you was to act like I didn’t think you could accomplish something.”

I stuck out my tongue and folded my arms across my chest.

Ash, Geraint, and Nic all laughed at me.

“Assholes,” I muttered.

“So, if we will it hard enough, we could make unicorns and stuff in these weak areas?” Ash asked innocently.

“Potentially. I would advise against trying, however.”


“Unicorns tend to be very, uh, stabby,” Nic answered.

“They do essentially have giant swords on their foreheads,” Geraint pointed out.

“Yes, and most of them are mares,” Nic said. “Once you win them over, they’re yours for eternity, but winning them over can be extremely difficult, and often results in stab wounds.”

“Bummer,” Ash muttered. “Always wanted a unicorn.”

“Thought you wanted a vampire,” I kidded.

“Yeah, well, future-wifey would have to agree at this point.” Ash glanced at the GPS. “All right, I have to focus. I think we’re close to our exit.”

Half-formed ideas churning in my mind, I stared out the window as the buildings changed from suburban to urban. Maybe I could use my powers of creation to make a different type of arch?

Those thoughts carried me until we pulled into the parking garage for our hotel. Nic stayed with the van while those of us with actual identification went through the check-in process. Then we came back, grabbed our bags, and headed for our rooms. Ash had her own. Robby and Casey shared, and Nic, Geraint, and I took another.

As Robby would handle all the check-in details for the performance, the rest of us had time on our hands. I glanced at the king-sized bed and my mates and grinned. “Yes?”

Geraint already knew what I was thinking from long years together. He inclined his head, a mischievous glint in his eyes. It took Nic a moment longer for his eyebrows to raise and a soft smile to flit across his lips.

“If you like,” Nic replied.

“Duh.” I spun around and flopped onto the bed. “If you are both still okay with group activities, after the first time.”

Geraint and Nic traded a glance before both nodded. “Yes, Spark, it’s fine with us.”

“Great!” I kicked off my shoes and shed my clothing in record time, leaving the guys staring at me with a mixture of hunger and surprise lighting up their eyes and curling their lips.

It didn’t take long for Geraint to pull his shirt off, and I licked my lips as those powerful muscles rippled with his movement. I couldn’t wait to run my tongue over those ridges and trace those valleys until they led me to his delicious cock.

“You might stretch a little,” Geraint suggested with a wink before going over to the bed and pulling the covers down.

I quickly did a few warmups, being sure to stick my butt in the air enticingly in Nic’s direction. He opened his mouth, tongue wetting his lips. I didn’t always stretch before sex, but the night before a performance was a crappy time to pull a muscle so I did what I was told.

Geraint lay down on the bed and gestured for me to join him.

I walked up onto the bed and slid into a center split right over his face. He caught my hips with the ease of long practice and brought me where he wanted me.