Page 31 of Nightmare's Fall

We spent the rest of the time before our performance discussing contingency plans for the routine. Confident we had a reasonable plan, I tracked Nic down. He lurked in the small alcove Robby had used to run our lift. He could see us both from there and from any of the shadows that lurked in the curtains. We’d be fine.

“Hey,” I whispered.

“Hi, Spark.”

“You ready?”

He nodded, his features shifting in and out of shadow for a moment before he settled.

“Is it getting easier to hold yourself steady?”

“Yes. Though I used to do it all the time as a child, so it shouldn’t be as difficult as it has been.”

“Some things are easier when you’re younger, regardless.” I stepped forward, putting my hand on his chest. “We have more energy when we’re younger.”

Nic chuckled. “That is very true.”

I pressed my lips to his for a quick kiss. “Don’t drop me.”

“Your knight will keep you safe, and I’ll make sure his grip is sure.” He kissed me back, and then it was time for me to join Geraint and head for the stage.

Mom introduced us, and the music struck up.

Our floor work went as normal, fluid, graceful, grips sure and strong, but my knight’s expression looked pinched, and I knew he was in pain.

He took to the air in the straps. His movements were flawless, but not as graceful as normal. I doubted anyone would notice unless they were well familiar with our abilities.

When it was time, I let Geraint take my hand. His grip was sure, but I felt tendrils of shadow essence wrap around us all the same. Even Geraint looked a little relieved as Nic supported us.

Halfway through our duet, I felt Geraint’s muscles tremble. My arm slid through his momentarily, but Nic tightened his grip on the two of us. I didn’t panic. Geraint didn’t fall. My prince’s help let us get through the rest of the aerial act with grace. Though I didn’t have much concentration to chase the idea, the shadowy assistance gave me some thoughts about ways we might be able to apply this sort of trick in Nightmare. Especially if I got control of my own shadow powers.

We came down for the floor routine, bowed, and hurried backstage. I kept my arm around Geraint’s waist, and he leaned against me.

“That was harder than it should have been,” he admitted.

Nic and Robby joined us.

“Thank you, Nic,” I murmured as Casey came over.

“Geraint, you all right?” she asked before Nic could reply to my whispered thanks.

Right, so she was pretty familiar with our acts. She would have noticed. My knight straightened, taking his weight from my shoulders.

“Yes, Casey. Thank you.”

She frowned but didn’t question him further. Robby led her off, and I helped Geraint to a chair.

“Knight,” I said.

“I’m okay, Spark. I just need some rest. I think I’ll take the week off.” He grinned.

“Yeah, good call.” I sat down next to him and stretched my legs out in front of me. “Nic, what’s next?”

“We have to prepare for the gala next week. After that, we have to get back to Dream.”

“Right. How?”

The prince tilted his head and shrugged. “That is the question, isn’t it?”