Page 25 of Nightmare's Fall

Geraint took up a position where he could watch the road and the woods at the same time. It put his back to the cornfield, but I could watch that for him. He noticed my attention and gave me a quick smile.

The cops, the fire department, and the power company showed up at about the same time. I snorted when I saw the police officer get out of her cruiser and scratch her head in confusion at the power pole lying across the top of the burned up van. Car fires were hot and fast, and it still smoldered, but the power pole had burned, and flames crept toward the corn.

The firefighters got busy, and Robby talked with the officer. Nic stayed with us until the officer got in her car and headed our direction. Geraint and I met her at the side of the road and answered a barrage of questions. For her part, she didn’t seem suspicious, simply confused as to how a power pole could break in half like it had.

We didn’t have any ideas that would make sense to a mundane human, and I’d been asleep until right before it had happened, so she left us with her business card.

Robby joined us just as one of the school vans came into view.

Casey stared at our ruined vehicle, eyes wide, while she slowed to pick us up.

“You said it broke down, not immolated,” she exclaimed.

“Yeah. We didn’t want to worry anyone and we’re all fine, so we figured we’d tell the entire story when we got back.” I shrugged. “I didn’t think they’d send you out to pick us up.”

“Oh, I volunteered. My classes were done for the day, anyway.” Her gaze lingered on Robby.

Hiding smiles, Geraint and I climbed into the back. Nic joined us a moment later, looking vastly improved from before. Robby slid into the front passenger seat, thanking Casey profusely for her assistance.

Someone was getting laid tonight if he wanted it, by the doe-eyed look Casey was giving the jester. Geraint had an entertained half-smile on his face, and I sensed Nic’s amusement through our bond. I hoped Robby was careful with her.

Lulled by the cool air conditioning and Robby’s quiet conversation with Casey, I drifted back to sleep until we reached the school and home.

Mom met us in the parking area. “What happened?” she asked when we got out.

I let my gaze slide toward Casey, hoping she’d catch the significance before I answered. “It was the weirdest thing.” Maybe that would clue her in if my look hadn’t. “The car stalled. No idea why. Then a power pole fell on it. So, basically, no more van.”

“The thing was a burned husk by the time I got there,” Casey added. “You are all really lucky you got out.”

I nodded. “Very.”

Mom’s eyes widened, but she must have caught the significance of what had happened and didn’t immediately pepper us with questions.

Robby hooked his arm in Casey’s and led her away, still whispering.

Geraint shook his head.

“Wait, are they together?” Mom frowned.

“I have no idea what’s going to happen with that. Casey doesn’t know what she’s getting into, but Robby has been instructed that drastic things will happen if he breaks her heart.”

“Well, that’s interesting.” Mom watched as the pair headed toward the cabins they were both living in.

“Let’s get Nic inside,” I said and headed for the house.

As soon as he was out of sight of anyone who didn’t already know he was a shadowy Nightmare prince, he stepped into the nearest shadow and vanished, leaving me and Geraint alone with Mom.

“Geraint, are you all right? You’re covered in bruises.”

“Oh,” we both said in unison. I was certain Geraint hadn’t forgotten, but I had.

“I’m fine.”

“You certainly don’t look fine.”

My knight shrugged. “I heal fast. The clown beat us all up some, but we’re okay.”

“Clown?” Mom’s eyebrows rose.