Page 13 of Nightmare's Fall

“She has a mouth.” Geraint winked. He hadn’t undressed yet, but when I nodded agreement, he shed his clothing. The Nightmare beings that had created the knight hadn’t skimped. I was glad for Ember’s sake.

Ember moaned encouragement. “Yes, that,” she gasped.

I turned her in the air. She was completely limp in my grasp, letting me bend her limbs however I liked. I folded her as if she would be on her knees were she not hanging a few feet in the air, and lined her up with my cock at just the perfect height. Geraint went in front of her, and I freed her arms enough so she could grab his hips and position him how she liked.

The knight sucked in a breath as Ember wrapped those sweet lips around his girth and took him all the way. She’d clearly had a lot of practice, which I’d already benefited from. I imagined the way those lips had felt on me, then slid inside her wet pussy. She was soaked, but I gave her a moment to adjust to my size before pulling out and thrusting into her again.

She squealed and wiggled against me.

I paused, concerned.

“That was a good squeal, keep going,” Geraint said, voice rough with lust.

I pounded into her, pulling a few extra tentacles of shadow and wrapping them around her, squeezing, caressing, bringing one forward to play with her clit, and tickling her other hole with another. I wasn’t sure how she felt about that, so I didn’t enter.

Though I was closer to the knight than I’d ever expected to get, it felt natural to share Ember like this. He had his eyes shut, mouth parted and somehow his presence added to our experience. Sharing like this, with another man Ember truly loved, was better than I could have imagined.

Ember’s trembles grew more urgent and though her mouth was full of the knight, she was crying my name around his dick.

Ember’s muscles clamped down on my cock, trapping me, triggering a powerful orgasm I couldn’t have held back if I’d tried, as she rocketed into her own release.

My cry was wordless. Geraint swore as she brought him along for the ride.

“Oh, my gods,” Ember said after she released the knight. “That was amazing.”

“I don’t have words.” My limbs trembled.

Geraint stood there with his head down, powerful legs braced to keep him upright. I saw that I’d extended my web of tentacles to wrap around him as well, and quickly withdrew them.

I slid out of my princess, groaning as she quivered in my grip. Once we were free, I slowly lowered her to the ground until she supported herself on her hands and knees, then I allowed myself to flow down onto the floor next to her, gathering Ember into my arms so we could cuddle while we recovered.

She held out her hand to Geraint, and I nodded when he looked at me. He lay down on the other side and we spooned our princess between us.

“Maybe next time put me down in the bed.” Ember laughed.

“It is a good thing you have a comfortable floor,” I replied with a chuckle. “I wasn’t going to make it to your bed.” Her skin shivered as I ran my fingers over the faint marks I’d left from the weave of essence I’d held her in.

“Fair enough, my prince. Geraint?”

“The possibilities are quite endless,” he replied. “As long as Nic can stay focused enough to keep you in the air.”

“I will tell you if we ever truly test my limits,” I assured them.

“So we get to do this again?” Ember sounded so hopeful.

I smoothed some of her hair off her sweat slicked shoulder. “Yes, luv, if you and Geraint want to.”

“All the time.” She stretched between us, her skin sliding along mine enticingly.

“Anything for you, Ember,” Geraint replied.

“Same,” she answered sleepily, kissing him on the shoulder.

“We should get cleaned up before we fall asleep on the floor.” I forced my eyes open.

“Oh, yes! After-sex shower sex is the best sex!” My princess perked right up at that idea.

I raised my eyebrows and glanced at Geraint. He chuckled and shrugged. “She’s not wrong, and we do have a big shower.”