Page 15 of Take Me Home

“Yeah, well, I haven’t felt particularly sexy in a while,” Darcy said, gesturing to her baggy t-shirt and jean shorts. She might have thought she wasn’t sexy like that, but I could not agree with that sentiment. Those damn shorts kept me up at night. “I should go get the iced tea.” I watched her shake corn silks from her fingertips and dust her hands on those sleek thighs.

“Iced tea?!” Becca objected. “Got any beer?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you were still recovering from last night’s scuffle at the Legion,” Darcy joked, pulling Becca by the arm. “Come on and pick out what you want.”

I relaxed a little. I liked Darcy’s sense of humor. A lot. And she seemed to be deflecting Becca’s attempts to get her hooked up. Whether that was for my benefit or her own, I couldn’t know.

“Boys, can I get y’all a drink?” came Darcy’s call. Caleb asked for a beer and a plate for the burgers.

“Whatever you’re having,” I said, stifling yet another ‘babe.’ What the fuck was wrong with me?

“Iced tea?” she offered.

“Sure, thanks.” I had some sketches to make for my thesis later that night, so beer probably wouldn’t be the strongest choice.

Later, the four of us sat at the picnic table between the house and the pond, country music floating from the radio at the end of the table. Caleb regaled us with the story of his crisis of taking his childhood dog to the vet with crippling diarrhea in his mom’s new car, setting all of us into hysterics.

“Wait, wait, I have an idea. We should play a game,” Becca said, wiggling her eyebrows. “Darcy’s so quiet. Let’s do something to crack her open a bit.”

Darcy acted shocked. “I’m more of a listener than a storyteller.”

“Bullshit!” Becca cried. “You’re just acting all prim and proper for us. I see the devil in you.”

I know, Becca. I see the devil in her, too. Can’t wait to bring it out.My dirty little mind was hard at work imagining a devious Darcy.

“How about Never Have I Ever?” Caleb offered, shooting a conspiratorial look at Becca, who nodded enthusiastically. Darcy groaned.

“Fine, then I get to start,” Darcy declared. “Never have I ever driven the tractor.” She sat back, looking smug and holding back laughter.

“Wait, what the fuck?” Caleb laughed. “You mean you just make all of us do it?”

“Yep. I suck at it and Uncle Bill never wants me to mess with it. Everyone but me drinks!” Darcy cackled.

“We can do better than that, can’t we, Caleb?” Becca dared. “Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.”

Caleb and I drank, while Darcy sat with a smirk on her face, finally sneaking a sip at the last second.

“I KNEW IT!” Becca shrieked. “What and where?!”

“A lady never tells,” Darcy said, looking satisfied with herself. “And besides, you didn’t ask the boys where theirs are.”

“Cuz it’s on his arm, doofus,” Becca shot back, pointing to Caleb.

“And my ass,” Caleb said.

“And his ass,” Becca echoed.

“Yeah, but what about Jake?” Darcy whined, gesturing to me. “He drank.”

“A gentleman never tells,” I said, shooting her a wink.

Well, I was dying to know wherehertattoo was. I made a mental note to look for it whenever I got the chance. If I ever got the chance. The thought of getting to know every inch of her skin was distracting.

“Okay, my turn!” Caleb said. “Never have I ever hooked up with someone I work with.” He and Becca high fived. Darcy’s face went cold and distant at that moment. She twisted her ponytail nervously and stared into her glass. Something was going on there, but I didn’t want to draw attention to it. So I chose to distract.

“What do you consider worked with?” I asked, drawing a loud “OoOoOoOH!” from Caleb and Becca.

“Who was she? Or he? We don’t judge here,” Becca asked, propping her chin into her hand.