Page 37 of Tutor With Benefits


“Grab some pizza,” Cory says. “Zach’s taking her to the pizza parlor for dinner, and I don’t see any reason why you and I can’t, I don’t know, have our own date nearby.”

“You’re a freak, you know that?” I ask, but I don’t argue.

We manage to get into the parlor without getting Tori’s attention, and sit in the booth on the other side of the wall from them. We can hear what they’re talking about, but they can’t see us and we can’t see them.

“I just feel like going back to the diner is a rite of passage, you know?” Tori is saying. “For when I finally do get Johnny’s attention. Until then, I don’t want to go back.”

“And that’s fine,” Zach says.

They talk about the day, and I listen as she tells him how much fun she had with Cory, then with me. She relays the tips we both gave her, and Zach adds to it.

“It’s pretty chill to date at night,” he says. “You’ve got the whole day to talk about, and as long as you keep your attention on your date and what you guys are doing, it’s going to be a good time.”

“Today was a lot of fun,” she says. “I didn’t know that dating itself was so, I don’t know, normal. It’s like hanging out with a friend, but one that you really like more than a friend.”

Zach laughs. “Pretty much.”

After dinner, we agree through text message to meet at the ice cream parlor that’s on campus. Since my phone is on silent, they don’t hear my phone go off when they text me to invite me and Cory to the parlor. Zach, of course, knew we were going to be around in the pizza place, but he didn’t want Tori to feel like we were spying, so we don’t tell her we were there.

By the time we meet for ice cream, she’s beaming.

“I had a lot of fun today, you guys,” she says. “Really.”

“Good,” Zach tells her. “And I hope you have the day free tomorrow.”


“We’re going to the mall,” he says.


“Zach’s right,” I say. “It’s high time we get you that makeover.”

“You mean you guys aren’t coming over to my place?” she asks. “I thought you said when we were done with the first three dates, then it would be time for us to, you know, take my virginity?”

“I think we agreed that we would do the dates first, but I don’t think I said that it would be on the same day that we would have sex,” Zach says with a smirk. “Sorry, sweetheart, but you’re going to have to wait a little longer.”

Tori folds her arms across her chest and pouts. “You guys are impossible.”

“It’s why you love us,” I tease her.

She smiles. “I don’t know if that’s the reason, but okay.”

“Come on, did you guys actually want ice cream, or are we just hanging out to talk about it?” Cory asks.

We head to the front of the shop to get our ice cream, and I can’t help but notice how much fun this is. The four of us together getting dessert and hanging out. It’s like a date with all four of us, and I’m not sure how to feel about that. Not that I think it’s strange that we’re all on a date together, but I feel it’s strange that I like it like this.

It’s not something I ever thought I would pursue, but I like sharing Tori with my two best friends.

There’s a part of me that wishes this wasn’t temporary, and an even bigger part me that wishes she didn’t like Johnny so much.

But, I can’t let myself fall for her.

That wasn’t part of the deal.

And I don’t know what the fuck I’ll do if that happens.