Page 49 of Tutor With Benefits

“At least,” I clarify. “I’ll be really happy if it winds up being more than that.”

“No, that’s not what I’m getting at,” Cory replies.

We both look at him, and he shrugs. “Suppose it’s not even that?”

“Damn,” Zach says. “You mean like what if Johnny asks her out tonight or some shit and she just goes for it?”

“Bingo,” Cory replies. “If that’s what she really wants, then who’s to say she’s going to hold off for anything? She won’t. In fact, he could probably just hint at going out with her and she would take it as being his girlfriend.”

“Fuck,” Zach says. “I hate to admit it, but that kind of pisses me off. I know it’s a skewed way to feel considering everything, but it makes me want to go find Johnny and tell him to back the fuck off our girl, you know?”

I laugh at this. “Yes, I was thinking the exact same thing earlier. But again, what did we expect? It’s not like we’ve even talked to Tori about this, either. For all she knows, we’re just waiting for the chance to pass her off onto Johnny, just making sure she knows she’s still going to be tutoring us for as long as we need outside of her dating him.”

“Right,” Cory says. “That was the agreement. She couldn’t go off and decide that now that she has him she’s not going to help us anymore.”

“Fuck. Why couldn’t she be the one to change her mind and fall for us?” Zach shakes his head. “It’s like this was totally on accident, and for some reason that makes me want her all the more. I’ve never just so happened to get into a relationship with anyone before, and now that we weren’t even trying, we have a girl we don’t want to get rid of.”

We all sit silently for a moment.

I’m not sure if we’re trying to come up with some solution that’s going to get us to talk to Tori and convince her that dating us is a better idea than going with Johnny after all, or if we’re all just stewing over the fact we have fallen in love with a girl when we weren’t supposed to, and now we have to figure out a way to make that work for us.

Or get over it, as it turns out.

“Well, what now?” Cory asks after we all sit silently for a few minutes.

“What do you mean what now?” Zach asks. “What are our options anyway?”

“We can either talk to her and tell her the truth, or we can go on and act like things are going the way we wanted them to.” I shrug. “It’s not like she’s going to read our minds if we don’t say something.”

“It would be easier if she realizes Johnny’s not all he’s cracked up to be,” Zach replies.

“I’m pretty sure that guy shits gold in her mind,” Cory says.

“We fucked up,” I say at last. “We fell for the girl we weren’t supposed to fall for, and now we’re going to have to deal with the consequences.”

“I’m not giving up,” Zach says.

“What?” I ask.

“I’m not giving up,” he repeats. “We’re better for her than Johnny will ever be, and I bet you anything she’s got feelings for us. How could she not?”

“Um, because she’s crushing on Johnny and has been forever?” I say with a shrug.

“Fuck that,” Zach argues. “I’m going to ask her if we can come hang out with her tomorrow after class.”

“And what is that going to accomplish exactly?” I ask.

“Time, fucker, time!” Zach says. “It’s the one thing we have on her that Johnny doesn’t. We know her inside and out, literally, and if we pull out the stops and do what we can to seduce her like she was doing to Johnny, well, why not see if that works for us?”

“Isn’t it a little too late for that?” I ask.

Cory nods in agreement. “I mean, if we were going to go at her from that angle, then why didn’t we do it before she actually put her plan to get Johnny into action?”

“Because none of us realized just where we were with this until we saw her going after someone else, and him going back after her,” Zach says. “This is a classic situation of not knowing what we had until it’s gone. But you see, it’s not gone yet, so I’m fighting this. I’m not going to let her just walk off with that guy. I’ll prove to her that we’re the best choice, and she’s going to fall for us instead, just you wait.”

“I’d have something sarcastic to say,” I reply. “But I actually hope you’re right on this one and you do get her to choose us.”

“It’s not just me who’s doing this,” Zach says. “We’re going into this as a group effort, all of us.”