»Grace, don’t do this.«

»What? What am I not supposed to do? I should have done this much sooner! We had fantastic sex, admittedly, but it has to stop. Now we’re working together, and that just changes everything.«

»It doesn’t change the attraction we have for each other.«

She hesitated. »It does for me,« she whispered, pushing past me and slamming the door behind her as she fled the room. Fuck. What began as a casual game now felt completely different. Deeper. Real. And if there was one thing I couldn’t bear, it was seeing Grace suffer.



I had expected many things when I started my new job, but I certainly hadn’t expected fate to give me the middle finger once again and put me to the test.

Of course, Baron was my new client, and of course, I couldn’t have it all once again but had to make a choice. Since Mel had deceived me and taken everything I owned, luck had clearly not been on my side, no matter what my friends or my mom tried to convince me.

But this was about much more than protecting my heart. My existence was at stake, my future. I had just signed the lease for my new apartment and was more than happy to have found the two-room apartment in a quiet area in Brooklyn. Especially since it had been available right away and absolutely affordable with my new job. That was precisely the crux of the matter. With a job!

I didn’t know Nic very well yet, but I had heard from Bennett that there had been huge problems with a workplace romance in the past. Of course, Baron didn’t work for Nic, but if he already disapproved of that, how would he feel if I slept with a regular customer?

No, no matter how I turned it, this situation was not going to end well. Not for me.

After my appointment with Baron, I had fled home, ordered a pizza, and started my favorite Netflix series while cuddling with Jack on the couch. Baron’s apartment was still dark, and I was incredibly relieved not to have to see him. I was sure he didn’t want a huge drama either and would therefore avoid me from now on. Or rather, not rekindle our affair, or whatever that night had been. The situation was too complicated, and so was I.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Jack’s ear turned towards the hallway, and he sleepily opened one eye. I could practically see his annoyance at this disturbance, and I gently stroked his head.

»Keep sleeping, I’ll go check.« I dug myself out from under the thick wool blanket, and my heart thumped in my throat as I walked to the front door. I was wearing sweatpants, an oversized sweater, and had my hair draped up in a messy bun. I wasn’t exactly ready for company, but my stupid, treacherous heart hoped for just one man standing outside the door.

I hesitated before activating the terminal on the door that turned on the camera. Of course.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and braced myself for the overwhelming wave of longing that instantly washed over me as I gazed into his emerald green eyes. »I thought I had made myself clear enough.«

Baron raised his hands to placate me. »You did. But I didn’t want to leave things as they were between us.«

»And what does that mean?« I crossed my arms. Inside, everything screamed not to let him go, but this time my reason simply had to prevail.

»May I come in?« He gave me a crooked, cautious smile, and just that expression on his face triggered feelings in me that I absolutely didn’t need.

I sighed and stepped back. This time, he was more careful, not overpowering me and pressing me passionately against the wall to simply take me as he had the last time. Something was bothering him just as much as me, and my curiosity drove me to find out what it was.

He entered and I closed the door before pointing towards the living room. Once he set foot in my bedroom, I could no longer guarantee anything. Just the memory of him there made my skin tingle and my resolve crumble like an old castle wall.

I followed him and sat down at the dining table. The sofa was not a good idea either. Chairs, separated by enough distance, and a massive oak table between us, on the other hand, were an excellent idea.

He seemed to see through my plan but played along as he sat down opposite me and folded his long, slender fingers on the table. »I wanted to apologize,« he began, and I raised an eyebrow skeptically.

»Apologize?« Somehow, his statement didn’t align with the arrogant, self-confident man who usually took what he wanted and didn’t care about seriousness or relationships.

»Yes, don’t look at me like that, this situation is new to me too,« he replied, grinning slightly before becoming serious again. »I pressured you even though I knew you wanted distance. You wanted to do your job, and I didn’t take you seriously.«

My tense facial expression softened, and I wasn’t quite sure how to handle this moment. »That’s... kind of you.«

»I can be nice too. Without ulterior motives.« The amusement vanished from his features, and he looked almost remorseful. »When you ran away from me earlier, I couldn’t bear the thought that I was the reason, that I had hurt you. That was also new to me.« He cleared his throat as if he had trouble articulating what was to follow. »We’ve already talked about my parents, but it was... even worse than just them fighting. As far as I can remember, I’ve been on my own, never having to look out for anyone else and not even learning what that feels like. My parents treated each other with disdain; I’m not familiar with loving gestures and consideration. On the other hand, I know selfishness all too well, for without it, I certainly wouldn’t be here anymore.« He briefly averted his gaze before looking back at me, and I felt the urge to circle the table and embrace him. My parents hadn’t been the perfect example either, but there were good moments now and then. After my mom had separated from my dad and taken me with her, those moments became more frequent. »But with you, for the first time, I have this desire to see you happy, and I don’t care how it affects me. It’s crazy because we barely know each other, but I can’t change it.«

I was speechless, unsure how to respond to his confession. He stood up, and I sensed his hesitation. »That’s what I wanted to tell you. From now on, I’ll hold back and respect your boundaries. You shouldn’t jeopardize your job. Do you accept my apology?«

I nodded slowly. »Of course.«

»Thank you.«