»Good luck!«

I left our office and greeted a few colleagues who met me in the hallway. Although I had only been working here for a short time, the atmosphere was quite good. Definitely better than at the agency where I had worked before becoming self-employed. Perhaps what had happened to me wasn’t so bad after all, because now I enjoyed the security of a permanent job, including health insurance, immensely.

I cautiously knocked on Nic’s office door and entered after hearing a »Come in.« He sat behind his desk and smiled as he looked up and saw me.

»Grace, please have a seat.« He gestured to a seating area in front of a wide window front, stood up, and walked to a cabinet where water bottles were placed. He took one of them and two glasses and sat down opposite me on a leather armchair.

Thankfully, Nic was a nice boss, but I hadn’t assumed that Sonia would send me to someone who was a jerk either.

»Thank you,« I said as Nic slid the filled water glass toward me.

»How are you, Grace? Have you settled in well?« He ran his fingers through his thick, dark blonde hair, leaned back, and looked at me expectantly. Behind him on the desk, I saw a picture of his wife and little daughter Hailey. I turned my attention back to him.

»Yes, very much so. The colleagues are all incredibly nice, and I’m looking forward to the first challenges!« Today’s appointment was incredibly important to me because Nic was going to hand over the planning of a gigantic event for a big client. If I could plan this event satisfactorily for all parties involved, I would be permanently employed, and my probation period would be shortened.

»I’m glad to hear that.« He picked up the stack of papers lying in front of him and handed me the first sheet. »Then we can dive right into your first event! I’m sure it will be a blast.« He winked at me, and I read the headline.

»Planning a release party for a video game.« A uneasy premonition settled in my stomach. As I read the name of the client, my suspicion was confirmed.

»Spencer Studios is a really big client of ours. The CEO and founder, Baron Spencer, places great importance on these events. The press will be on site, important names from the industry, some celebrities, and more. But I’m sure you’ll handle it brilliantly!« Damn, damn, damn. Should I tell Nic that I happened to have been in bed with one of his biggest clients? No way, he would take away my first assignment immediately, and I didn’t even want to imagine what he would think of me. »I took the liberty of scheduling a meeting with Baron and you for this afternoon. Unfortunately, I can’t attend, but I don’t need to. He’s a nice guy, don’t let his status intimidate you.«

Certainly not. I forced myself to smile. »Yes, of course, that’s no problem, I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.«

Feeling numb, I made it through the rest of the meeting with Nic and returned to my office. When Bennett saw me, he furrowed his brow. »Was it that bad? That doesn’t seem like Nic at all.«

»No, no, everything is fine.« I took a seat and briefly considered confiding in my colleague, but decided to keep it to myself. Bennett was nice, but we hadn’t known each other for long, and who knew if he would immediately tell Nic? I could forget about my new job then. »I just have a lot to prepare because I already have a meeting with the client this afternoon.«

»Well then, get to work and take care of your client, girl,« he said, snapping his fingers a few times. If only he knew how accurate that statement was...



The owner of the event agency we collaborated with had scheduled an afternoon appointment with one of his new employees, who was supposed to plan our upcoming release party for the video game of the year. Grace Stone.

I couldn’t help but grin as I thought about how torturously cruel and wonderfully ironic fate was. Did she know she was being sent into the lion’s den? My den?

She most certainly knew. Was she looking forward to it or dreading it? Anything was possible, but after the last twenty-four hours we had spent together, most of it naked, I assumed the latter. Mixing work and pleasure was a terrible idea in ninety-nine percent of cases. And although I usually kept business and personal matters separate, this time I had a particularly hard time sorting out my thoughts.

My phone rang, and I answered. »Mr. Spencer, your appointment is here, Grace Stone. She’s in conference room number two.«

Would it have been better if I had invited Grace to my office? Most of my employees had already left, it was dark outside, and New York lay brightly lit beneath the windows of my office. Pressing her against the glass and slowly penetrating her while pretending to have a serious business meeting was quite tempting.

I adjusted my half-hard cock and pushed the thoughts away. Shit, even though I knew it was wrong to try to get her to risk her new job for a quickie, I couldn’t think of anything else as I left my office and headed for the conference room.

I nodded to my assistant Betty, who sat in the anteroom outside, and pressed down the handle of the room’s door. As I slowly slid the door open, Grace, who had been sitting at the long glass conference table, stood up. Fuck, she looked stunning, and I immediately felt a craving for her, even though I hadn’t seen her today. My body remembered the sight of her cheeks flushed red as she came hard with my cock inside her.

I closed the door behind me, and silence swallowed the faint tapping noises that Betty made with her keyboard. With a button on the wall, I turned the glass panes into frosted glass, shielded from the gazes of everyone outside.

»Hello, Mr. Spencer,« she said composedly, but I could clearly hear the slight tremble in her voice.

»Miss Stone,« I replied, unbuttoning my jacket and walking around the table. She flinched slightly, as if she had to distance herself from me to avoid giving in, but I wasn’t deterred. Even if I couldn’t seduce her here, I had to touch her.

Gently, I placed my hand on her waist and gave her a fleeting kiss on the cheek. I lingered and felt a shiver run through her beautiful body. »I’ve thought about you a lot today, Goldilocks,« I whispered into her ear and heard a soft gasp. »And I believe you have, too.«

She collected herself, took a step back, and smoothed her incredibly hot pencil skirt. I already adored this look on her. »I’ve prepared a presentation, Mr. Spencer.« She emphasized my name particularly and my traitorous cock twitched once more. So that’s how she wanted it? Very well.

I nodded to her, took my seat at the head of the table, and gestured toward the screen at the end of the room. »Go ahead, Miss Stone.«