Page 47 of Holly

She held up her hand and said, "I've been coming to terms with my perfection. The diet that didn't allow me to have cupcakes. The triggers that flooded my mouth with sour or bitter tastes to keep me from making my own choices about things. I don't have them like I used to. It's not all the time and every day, I'm getting rid of more of those. Pushing past what is expected of me and becoming who I want to be. I'm glad I learned this now. I'm not going to be the same woman standing before you in the next six months. At the rate I feed Stormy cupcakes, I might outweigh him by the break."

"Look." I didn't know what to say. I had only liked girls with a certain look. Shallow? So I worked hard to keep my image, my rep. And one woman and one time being bent over some giant's knees was not going to undo the decisions I made about myself. My life. How I was going to live it.

"I'm out." She shrugged. "I'm done. I didn't want you as part of the contract to have sex with you. You only wanted to be part of the contract to have sex with me. I knew. I knew in that dressing room. I knew when I touched you in that bed you didn't want to be touched back. You want control of too much and I'm not giving up any more control of my life. I wanted a friend. A beautiful friend that represented who I wanted to be. Confident, bold, secure with herself and the choices, but you aren't even that. Are you? You're no more sure of who you are than I am about myself. You just fake it better."

Then she left my apartment, and I stood there looking at the closed door and considered how I was going to deal with this because a lot of it was true, but I was not ready to admit or accept any of it. I had built an amazing shelter for myself in the emotional forest of my heart and only Winston had navigated his way to it.

He was like my brother, but like...a stepbrother maybe, because I didn't mind seeing him naked. Didn't mind him fucking Holly with me. Didn't mind when his hand touched me, even if it was because he was touching her. So, maybe I just wanted to see him as a brother so I wouldn’t allow myself to be attracted to him. He is my best friend and that would have to be close enough because it was the closest to anyone I had been since my mom died. I didn't know my father, so there was nothing to gain or lose from that.

I knew I had the tingly feelings for guys and gals, but I made a choice and I was going to stick to it. Even if that meant cutting Holly out so I could go back to my original route. With Holly in my life, two men came with it. I thought I could handle it. Thought I could ignore it, but…I lied to her and myself when I said I didn’t want to fuck her men. I didn’t know what I wanted. Or who. Or why anymore. I hated losing anything and it sure felt like my mind was in competition with my heart for first place in the loser race.


I had the four-count box on the table and the one with soft pink icing and multi-color sprinkles in my hand in the bed, where I was naked and waiting for Stormy to get his ass home.

He opened the door and went wide-eyed as he said, "Damn."

I wasn't in the mood for small talk. I gripped the stacked high swirl of icing in one hand and pulled it off the top of the cupcake. I used it kind of like a weird lotion and strategically deposited pink frosting on my breasts, down between them, lower, until I smeared it on a recently waxed pussy. He was naked by the time he got to the bed, so I offered him a little from my fingers and he grabbed that hand and began eating me up like he hadn't seen me in years instead of days. Like I hadn't sucked his cock a couple hours ago.

His perfect lips, tongue, met mine and I pushed a relatively icing-free hand into his hair and pulled him closer. I said as I let him pull away, "You've made quite the mess of me."

He nodded. "I'm going to clean it up right now."

I would never do this again. He literally would not move on until the icing was gone from one spot to the next. I put way too much on my boobs and not nearly enough on the place I needed him to get to. I had showered earlier when I arrived, but by the time he was licking at the lips below my navel, I was dripping. The Stormy faucet was on, and I wanted. No. I needed him to stop torturing me. "Stormy, please."

"Please, what?" he asked and then said, "This?"

My hips bucked up to meet his kiss because he was finally beyond frosting. "Yes."

My hand pushed into his hair, tried to hold him there. He teased, tortured, and then sent me on a sugar crash as that wave rolled through me in a sweet release. His hand gripped my hand at his hair, gathered the other wrist to hold them both as he moved up, over me, lifting my arms above my head and pinning them above me. He said, "Tell me you want it, Holly."

I nodded. "I do. I want it."

He shifted and then positioned himself for entry and then began the push and pull of working his way into me, deeper. I instinctively reached, but my arms were trapped above my head. He pushed down, held them in place. Grey eyes pinned me a moment and gaged my reactions. I tried to lift my chin higher, I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to wrap my arms around him. I wrapped my legs instead since I could still move those. I pulled at him by using my heel against his perfect, muscled ass. Once he was all the way in, deep, he stopped, just sort of nudged as he asked, "Good?"

"Yes." I nodded. I gulped. It's like he really is Torden Storm. The thunder rolling around in my brain, in my body, all stems from this man's touch. I wanted lighting. I wanted hurricane-force winds. I wanted him to..."Be bad."

"Yeah?" he asked. His lips twitched.

"Yes." I tried to keep my eyes open as he pulled back and then pushed in with some force. "Yes." I didn't know why I liked this so much, but I did. It was like too much and not enough, and "Fuck. Yes. Harder. Make it...make it hurt."

He let go of my wrists and slid out of me only to turn me over, spread my legs wide and outside of his as he pushed into me from behind. I tried to eat his pillow because my face was in it for a scream of pleasure. It was that or risk the entire compound come running to save me because I was loud. One large hand at my hip, the other on my shoulder, he fucked me without any restraint. I would feel this all week, I was sure of that. I didn't even understand how my body could process the slap of his heavy sac to my clit, but the pace, the consistent motion had me breaking his rhythm as my body collapsed with the orgasm that pulled him over into one with me. It was an ungraceful and uncoordinated effort at the end, but I was so blissed out, I didn't care.

He tugged at me and I turned to face him. Only once I was looking at him, did I realize I was also crying. He realized that immediately. Eyes wide, I shook my head no to stop his guilt from overtaking his afterglow. "I'm fine. That was just intense."

He reached back and brought tissues forward and cleaned up my eyes, my nose as he said, "I don't want to be that rough with you if it hurts in a bad way."

I sighed and smiled, "Not in a bad way. I'm so relaxed right now. My entire body aches, I'm still throbbing, but's so good, Stormy. You're amazing."

"It's the cupcakes. The sugar rush." He eyed the box on the table and looked at me. I looked at him like he was straight-up crazy. "No?"

"I don't think my legs work at the moment." I smiled so brightly at him. He was like the best chill pill in the world with that sexual skill set. He looked at the box of cupcakes again and his bottom lip slightly poked out in a pout. I reached up and touched it. Pinched it with my fingers and tugged until he was meeting me for a kiss. I had two choices at this moment. Roll back and out of this bed to get his cupcakes to distract him or keep kissing him where he would likely gear up for round two which I was not cardiovascularly prepared for.

I rolled and wobbled, reached between my legs because I was embarrassed. I could feel the liquid from my core, maybe even from him, slipping down my thighs. He groaned and said, "Fuuuck. Stop touching yourself. Damn."

I grabbed the box and tried to walk back without touching myself, though I was trying to keep my thighs together as much as possible. I handed him the box which he promptly put on the night stand and then tugged me as he repositioned himself in the center of the bed. He said, "Climb on up."

"Did you hear the part about no strength in the leg muscles?" I was trembling, Thighs burning as I straddled his hips.