Page 43 of Holly

"I've never been jealous before." She put her hand on my chest. Slid it up to my neck and pulled me down to kiss her.

We were deep in that action when I heard Essie say, "Could you stop that?"

I ignored her and kissed Holly harder, brought her up off her feet and trapped her against the vehicle with my thigh between her legs. She was trying to break that kiss, but I was not going to let either of them control me at this moment and they both wanted to.

"I need a ride home!" Essie shouted. "Torden!" Then, like the straight-up brat she had been her whole life she said, "I'll call my aunt and tell her you left me at this frat party so you could fuck your new girlfriend. See how that goes over next weekend."

I bit Holly's lip by reflex, accident, because I was torn between remaining focused on Holly and gritting my teeth as I ignored Essie. Holly gasped against my lips, eyes flashing open, wide, and she blinked at me. I looked at her kiss-swollen lips and saw the tint of blood. Fuck. I bit her harder than I thought. I started to pull back, but she leaned in, kissed me, and then whispered, "I don't want you to get in trouble."

This went from being awesome to fucking awful. I helped Holly into the passenger seat, didn't say a word to Essie as I walked around to the driver side. I got in and said to Holly, "You don't want me talking to her and now you don't want me in trouble with my mom. You tell her to get in."

Holly rolled the window down and said sweetly, "We'll take you home."

Essie stomped her way and got in. Sure, if she were anyone else, I wouldn't have had a problem taking her to begin with and I would have opened the door and even helped her in, but she was Essie, so, no.

Holly added, once Essie was in the back seat and could see her reach across to put her hand in my hair, "I would never use your family against you like that, Stormy. I'm sorry your cousin is so rich in dollars but so broke in friends that whoever she came with left her ass. You're a good man."

Well, that was one way to deal with this madness. Testing my contractually obligated girlfriend's commitment to this current role, I looked over at her before pulling out of the parking lot and said, "You're still coming home with me, though, right? Or do you want me to stay there with you?"

She smiled and said, "Of course, I am. I love you."

I kissed the palm of her hand and said, "I love you, too, Babe."

At some point, Holly looked out the window and I glanced in the rearview to see a silent but deadly Essie stewing in her thoughts. I'd pay for this. For all of it. I just didn't know when or how, yet.


We dropped Essie off and went back to the frat house where I slammed his bathroom door and took my shower without him. Not that I thought he would want to shower with me anyway, but still. Stormy took his shower and we settled into bed. I loved sleeping next to him, now. He went to his back, arm up and over his head, and I wondered what it would be like to just...tie him up like that. Both arms. He asked, "What?"

"What?" I was blushing from the carnal thoughts that would not abate.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, brow arched.

"I was thinking. It's stupid. It's...bad." I frowned.

"Tell me." He yawned.

He was mid-yawn when I said, "I was thinking about tying you up."

His mouth was slow to close. He really had a brow situation happening on that handsome face now. I smiled and added, "You sleep with your arm up over your head and I...I don't know. I just thought..."

"You're really something else in that department. You know that?" he asked. My expression must have indicated I did not. "You're pissed at me for flirting with Autumn. A lesbian, that you've had sex with, I might add. Pissed because she who must not be named needed a ride home. And yet, you want to tie me up. What if I wanted to tie you up? Huh? You trust me enough to let me have that kind of control over your body?"

I wanted to. "I don't know. I's all I think about."

"Which is why you have three people at your beck and bedroom call, Holly. Let me ask you this, where are you going for winter break?" He smiled, waited.

"Home." I frowned. He was, too, and that meant...I shook my head and said, "No. I'm going with you. Or you're coming with me, or...we will just go somewhere else entirely."

His eyes kept getting wider. I nodded. "Yeah." I smiled. "Oh. my God!" I sat up and looked down at his gorgeous face and said, "Let's go to Vegas. You, me, Winston, Autumn. The four of us. It will be perfect."

It sounded fun to me. Time with the three people I wanted to be around the most.

Stormy shook his head and said, "Sure. I'll skip out on time with my mom and grandma this year to hang with you and the rest of the harem in Vegas. What's my favorite color, Holly?"

I blinked.

"Exactly. No. I'll be going home to spend time with people who love me for real, not just when they want to use those words as a weapon." I balked and he said, "You know what. Go...hang with your boy, Winston tonight. Tell him I changed my mind."