Page 34 of Holly


It was not the best massage, but it was a lot better, and I did need my lower back rubbed. I needed to make a real appointment. Cassidy was the best at that around this house. Not sure why a bunny would want to take those classes on the side, but she did, it was noticed, and others were also learning different skills. We had one learning to cut hair, another in the culinary arts program. It was crazy, but so nice to live here.

Holly looked at me as I crawled back into that bed with her. I had to wash the oil off my hands. I pulled those pretty panties off of her and parted her legs with my hands. She had the phone in her hand and said, "Timer doesn't start until your tongue is touching me."

This was good. I liked this. I stroked my hands down her thighs, really drew the whole thing out. Put my hands into play before I even leaned down to touch her with my mouth. She was trying to keep some sort of focus up there as I watched her drop the phone and felt her orgasm grip my fingers as she trembled from it, called my name.

"Stormy." She fell back. I hummed a sound of question. "That's not fair."

"I play to win, Babe. You need your phone? How are you going to keep track of my time?" I asked innocently. She fumbled for the phone as I used my fingers and played that same pattern until she was calling out again. "You keep dropping the phone."

"You're so good at that. At everything." She let her legs fall wider. "It's like you know how to read my body in a way I can't understand it."

I'd been trained to. Would not bring that up, though. I did start my path down her thigh with my lips. My mouth on her, tongue in her, I teased and tormented for fifteen of those thirty minutes before she was begging me to let her catch her breath.

"I mean, I don't want to cheat you out of your time, here."

"You win." She reached down and put her hand in my hair. "You win."

"What's my prize?" I smiled against her flesh. "I need to know if it's worth it."

"What do you want?" she asked.

I lifted up, looked down at my erection and said, "Entry."

She nodded.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Yes." She reached out for me. I pushed out of my boxers and situated myself between her legs. I slid the head of my dick between her slickness, groaned as she lifted her hips to get more friction. I slid the head to push into her and as I did, she said, "Stormy."

I leaned over her, and she pulled me in for a kiss. Well, at least she was not trying to battle me in the actual sense with her tongue today. I liked the more explorative version. I liked the wild thing, too, but this was good. Her legs wrapped around me, and I continued that slow motion in and out and then in a bit more each time. It was a sweet sort of torture, but I wanted her to like this. I didn't want her to like being with him more because he wouldn't hurt her. Hell, Autumn could get a dick smaller than both of us.

Her lifts to meet me were becoming a bit more aggressive. I pushed a bit harder, and she gasped. "Yeah? So—"

"Again," she breathed before I could finish my apology.

Again? I moved with a bit more force and gulped. I wanted to go harder. Faster. I wanted to do so much.

Her nails bit against my shoulder and I picked it up a little more. She nodded, closed her eyes, tried to pull me closer. Really? Fuck. Okay. Glad I put in the work because this was not going to last long if I got a little more lead on the leash here.

I tested that and she started making noises I'd only heard watching porn, so that really fucked me up and threw me right on over the finish line with absolute luck dragging her with me. I felt that squeeze and pulse around my cock as I emptied into her. I pulled her with me as I rolled to my side. She snuggled up against my chest and said, "I need to go shopping."

"Yeah?" I snickered. Winston was right. We definitely needed Autumn in our life because I hated shopping more than anything. Well, almost anything. I pushed that thought and image aside.


I was riding pretty high on my win. Our win. Then Storm and Holly showed up and it was obvious they had been playing a different game and they both won.

Storm said, “Holly wants to go shopping. I need to get some stuff done if we are going to that party tonight.”

“I have the team.” Winston shrugged and smiled. “You got a lot of money, honey. Go buy some new headphones for tonight.”

I was on shopping duty? What the fuck? I hated shopping. Well, in a store anyway. I did my shopping online.

Still, I wanted to get to know Holly, and this would give me a chance to just talk to her.

“Okay.” I smiled at her. “Sounds like a fun day.”