Page 77 of Harpy

“Awesome.” I clapped my free hands, and Dane and I took off toward the house in a slight jog. We were waiting for her on the front porch, and there really was something about making her miserable at times that made me feel better. Probably because she had made me miserable plenty.

Of course, as soon as her math team saw her with those bags, they moved in to take them from her, carried them the rest of the way, and looked at us like we were seriously troubled people. We were. She was their Momma. She was our…maybe Apollo was right, she was our Devil. Maybe if she fucked them all, they’d be…hell, they’d be carrying her in the house too.

I offered her a celery stick stuffed with peanut butter, and she glared at me. “These are good. What’s for dinner?”

Apollo decided that was a great time to pop out of our house and onto the porch. He must have come through the back door. He looked at her and said, “My thoughts exactly. How about we go out for dinner?”

“Out?” Dane and I asked and looked over at him.

He grinned and nodded. Added, “Pasta. You know you want some.”

I did want some now that he mentioned it. Dane did too. He nodded and said, “Someone else drive.”

Apollo said, “I’ll drive.”

He had a luxury sport utility vehicle. I had a sports car, so unless I took the frat truck, we were not getting into it. Dane had a luxury sedan with a car seat in the trunk that could be pulled out and used when Rip was along. He had been crazy talking all weekend. Yes, we did live off-campus, yes, we were in a house, but no, I did not think it would be a good idea to move Rip in with us, him. He would share his room. Sure, that would work for a couple weeks. The kid was too old to be sharing a room. He would still need transportation to and from school, and we had football and games coming up that required travel. Sure, there were days when it seemed like we had all the time in the world, but in reality, those were few and far between.

It was clear this was not a regular dinner when he looked at all three of us and said, “So, everyone can go get changed and act like you know how to dress for a proper meal.”

This meant he was taking Harpy back with him to the Junior House. When we met them at his vehicle, she looked stunning. I hadn’t really seen her dressed up in a while. Dane said, “Fuck. That’s not fair.”

“No, my friend. It is not. I somehow doubt either of them play fair at anything.” I considered the truth of those words as I realized Dane and I were heading to the back seat. Apollo was opening the door for Harpy and helping her in the front. “She got to him. I knew when he asked about that recording it was going to happen. They’ve been fucking.”

“Good.” He looked over at me. They were in the vehicle already, so they couldn’t hear him say, “Maybe next time he won’t need so much direction.”

I laughed, and Dane, being a total dick, opened the door and said, “For you.”

Apollo snickered, but it was Harpy’s reflection in the side mirror looking…what, jealous, that had me humored enough to say, “Thank you, sweetheart.”

He smacked me as if he didn’t start it, then moved around to the other side, behind Apollo, and got in. I was impressed with the leg room, to be honest. “This is nice.”

“I might need to get one.” Dane looked around. “I paid off—”

He looked out the window. He paid off his car and was holding on to it for that reason. I was starting to worry about the rest of football season. Dane…could have enough money to just take his kid and cut and run if he wanted. Go…fuck. He had asked about that. If I thought people could really disappear in another country or on an island somewhere. If a simpler life would be enough or if I would always want the high-end things we were accustomed to. I thought he was talking about how all this looked to Harpy. I realized he may have been talking about himself.

To get us out of this line of thought, I said, “I hear this place is excellent. They just opened up last week, right?”

Then Apollo filled us in on the restaurant, who owned it, their connections to all of our families. Well, not Harpy’s but to the three men in the vehicle. She was bored with this. I knew that because I got a text from her as he was talking.

Harpy: Looks like you two had a real bonding weekend

Tituss: Were you looking in the mirror when you typed that? He’s my best friend.

Harpy: I thought I was your best friend

Tituss: Not since high school

I didn’t know what her mood was about, but as part of dick detox, I wasn’t trying to pamper her right now either. She had been pissed at us for sleeping with her. We didn’t do anything sexual to her. She had clothes on. We had clothes on! We just wanted to be close to her crazy ass, and she blew up and acted like we had kidnapped her. I snorted a laugh at the thought.

My nanny used to say if someone took me, they would bring me back. If someone took Harpy, they wouldn’t make it down the street before she’d have them convinced it was her idea and they should stop for ice cream on the way.

“Oooh.” I didn’t mean to say that out loud, but I did.

“What?” Apollo asked. “I mean, it’s not that uncommon.”

“Right. Yeah.” I waved it off, and when the next messages lit up my screen, I smiled.

Harpy: What?