Page 69 of Harpy

“Don’t laugh.” Tituss tried to say it under his breath.

“Kiss ass.” I crossed my arms and looked at her. “I’m not sorry. I miss sleeping next to you. You fell asleep in my lap. I brought you to my room. We didn’t so much as handle a boob, so I am not sure why you are so pissed right now.”

She opened her mouth then snapped it shut. She moved to grab her phone and said, “Apollo was looking for me.”

Tituss and I both said, “So.”

“So…so…you two are not the only ones who…have say in my time…anymore…so.” She looked at the phone.

I was okay until this moment. This moment when I realized that she might not hate Apollo. When I understood she was using him against us. Sure, we understood we needed a bit of a buffer with her long-term. Still, after the weekend with her and Rip, the fact that I was a better person…mostly, around her…I— “Then go to your precious Apollo.”

She blinked at me.

Tituss got out of bed and said, “What he means is—”

“I meant exactly what I said. You want that frigid freak, go see how long that lasts. When you are ready to admit you were wrong, come home. I’ll beat your ass, and punishment will be over.” I picked up my phone. “Tituss, you want to enable her, then you can get the fuck out of my room along with her. Maybe you and Apollo can tag-team it for a bit. See if he’s better at the synchronized fucking than I am.”

Tituss jerked his head my way, and I rolled a shoulder. He looked at her and then moved to get back into my bed as he said, “Fuck it. If he could go a month just to fuck you, I can go a month, not fucking you. I went several months without fucking you, right? You want him, not us—”

“You put it in the contract, you assholes! You’re the ones who said he could have a piece of me.” She looked at us and then balked. “You believed him. You believed him when he said he didn’t want me?”

Nope. I just also thought he was too much ego to share. He was. He had been royally disgusted by us sharing her, and yet, he found a way to get through it. “You need that spanking now?”

She made a noise of derision and then said, “Okay. Fine. You want it this way. Fine. I don’t need either one of you to fuck me. And I do have Apollo, so maybe I’ll just see—”

“Go get em’ Rocky. Train him up for the big fight.” Tituss made some jabs, and I knew if she had anything other than her phone, she would have thrown it at him. “You still have laundry to do on Monday, so…see you then!”

She stomped out of my room, and I said, “I’m going to go home, see Rip. Want to come with me?”

“Yeah, why now?” he asked.

“Easier if we aren’t here. I miss my son. Reminder that I might love that crazy bitch that just left us, but she left us. For Apollo. Apollo, Tituss. You know something is not right with him.” I always knew something was not right with him, but since he came back from his internship, he’d been extra fucking extra lately. This was a frat, not a crime syndicate. “I need to remind myself that Rip is counting on me not to fuck it up again. If she’s not really willing to choose me…over him…she’s not really with me.”

Tituss snorted a laugh and said, “And uh, what about me?”

“You can’t really choose her, though, can you? And this, long term. Hell, she’s not even in her prime yet. You’ll need to come to visit us often when she hits thirty.” I looked at him, and his eyes went wide. “What?”

“You’re serious.” He was just putting that together.

“At some point…if I see a way to make that path…yeah, man. I’m serious about it.” I looked at the door she left open and said, “At least I was last night.”

I looked at him, and he was deep in thought. Then he smiled and said, “I’m going to go pack. Let’s go hang with Rip this weekend.”

Chapter Forty-Two


I got the text from Tituss letting me know that he and Dane were heading to the Manchester Estates and Harpy let them know she didn’t need them. She had me. So she was with them last night, couldn’t so much as respond to my text to tell me that, and now that they were bailing on her, she thought I was her new scratching post.

A few moments later, the cat was at my door. “Hey. Sorry I missed your texts last night.”

“Just noticed you weren’t in your room.” I pulled out a smoke and lit it up. She scrunched her nose. “Problem?”

She was trying to be cute. Intentionally, which was why it wasn’t. “No. I just…you know, prefer you not smoke if we—”

“If we what?” I tilted my head. “What do you think is happening here between us, exactly?”

She blinked, stood a bit straighter. “Well, yesterday…I…thought maybe?”