Page 48 of Harpy

Chapter Twenty-Five


Harpy licked my dick clean, and I felt so much better by the time she was pulling up, and I was tucking my dick away. She touched my chest and said, “I can’t wear an—”

“No. I have that for you.” I indicated the bed. It was a hoodie with the school crest on the front but my name and number on the back.

She titled her head. Tituss. I knew what she was thinking. I said, “I don’t care. You’re going to be there with my son. I need to look up and know you are right there, cheering for me…us. And he is right there with you. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.” She was looking at the hoodie, so I couldn’t read her face.

I grabbed her arm and said, “Harper. I’m being serious. This is the first time he’s been to one of my games without my parents.”

She put her hand on my hand on her arm and looked up at me. “I promise. Okay? I will wear it. He will wear his. We will be right there, and if not, it is because he had to potty or get a snack, and we will be right back right after, okay?”

I nodded. I hated being vulnerable in front of this woman.

She asked, “She doesn’t want that skirt back, right?”

“She wants me back.” I rubbed my forehead. “That was the plan. Just like Tituss, my family…doesn’t matter. Essie is not our future.”

“If I see her—”

“Of course, you’ll see her. She’s a cheerleader.” I realized I never told her anything about Essie.

“She’s at this school?” Harpy asked and frowned.

I shrugged. “Yeah. So? She’s in the sister frat. Which reminds me, in a few weeks, we have a mixer to host. Like the fraternity, not just Sophomore House.”

Harper’s face was almost a mask of pleasantry, but that jaw tick let me know she was not processing this information with joy. Good. Because…I was not trying to be the source of joy in her life. Still, she was a primary source of joy in mine lately, so I admitted, “There are some changes coming down that’s for the best. I…this weekend means a lot to me. I couldn’t have gotten through yesterday without you. I would have had to call my mom or Greta.”

She softened and said, “Okay. One…situation at a time. Tonight, the game. Your back—”

I snorted a laugh, “Yeah, pretty sure that’s why he is super chill. He had you to rub his back last night, and he gets you tonight, too. Fucker.”

She smiled up and said, “I’ll figure it out. You just concentrate on winning.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


I pushed all the insanity aside, focused on the fact that we were close enough to the field in these seats we could see the team clearly. I looked at the football fan next to me wearing a matching hoodie and asked, “You got everything you need?”

He took a bite out of the red licorice stick and nodded. “Yup.”

“Yup.” I winked at him. Once it was about to get started, I offered him the ear protection, and he shook his head. He stood up in the seat, and I held the back of the hoodie just in case. “Look, there’s Dad!”

We yelled and screamed for them, and it was a lot of fun. It was the first game I had been to since high school. At the end of the first quarter, Dane looked up and waved at us, well, probably just at Rip, but Rip waved back.

He looked good down there in that uniform. They both did. I shook my head and the thoughts of sneaking into the locker room one day and having them take me there. Up against the lockers, on the bench, in the showers. I blinked away my insanity as a man I knew was related to the kiddo at my side asked, “Hey Rip, you want to come hang out with me?”

“No,” I answered before Rip could respond as his uncle picked him up in a hug. He held onto him and blinked at me like I was crazy. I would get really fucking crazy if he tried to leave with that kid.

“Harpy, right?” he asked. I nodded. “I’m—”

“I can see the resemblance. I’m sure you are either the junior or senior house brother. I don’t care. Dane said to be here, these seats. His line of vision. No. We will be right here.” I pointed for emphasis.

“We have a skybox with a way more comfortable—”