Page 34 of Harpy

“Maybe.” Dane rolled his shoulder.

Once we were sitting at a table with Apollo, and he said, “Dougie is about to go through some changes. Changes that will impact all of us,” I felt a prickle at the back of my neck.

We didn’t say anything, and Apollo asked me, “You ready?”

“For?” I had no fucking idea what he was talking about.

He sipped his drink, put it down, and said, “QB one.” My eyes widened. Then he leveled me with that intense blue gaze of his and said, “And to step up. It’s not just because Dougie was about to snatch and assault one of our employees, understand?”

“What!” Dane and I both shouted that.

Apollo looked nonplussed by our dramatic reaction. I felt a bit like a child rather than a man for having such a strong reaction, but damn. Dougie had just been taught what I thought was a very clear lesson. Certainly, if two dudes pulled guns on me and some chick shoved a dildo up my ass, I would consider it a lesson in not disrespecting people. Only…I still couldn’t tell if by the end Dougie had…damn, maybe he liked all that. I was shaking my head, and the thoughts as Apollo took another sip of his drink then began explaining some things.

“It’s not just him. You fuckers need to realize this frat is not just…us. It’s generations, and we are not the only ones on that campus who have been here forever. Get it? The security clause is in there because we bought that land. We could all be living in one, two of those houses, but instead, we have one for each fucking class. If I knew they were going to flaunt it like this…I would have graduated last year.” Apollo sighed. “I should have known when they said I could change my major, stay a little longer they had something in mind. Nothing is free here, boys. Not a damn thing, and just because your families work on the outside face of this industry doesn’t mean it’s clean, understand?”

I blinked at him, but Dane nodded, said, “I fucking knew it.”

Apollo slightly nodded. “Legacies. Right?” He shrugged and then looked at us. “How’d she get in this to begin with? With your history, how the fuck did she get into this school?”

I considered that and said, “I don’t know. My parents…no indication. She said she’s here on my family scholarship, but when I asked who won, my mom said some guy’s name. I don’t know.”

Harpy was here, and I had her for a while longer in my life…well, if I didn’t mess it up again.

“I’ll find out.” Apollo sighed. “I want a piece of her.”

“Excuse me?” I blinked at him.

“You heard me.” He looked at us.

Dane shook his head. “It doesn’t work like that. She’s—”

“I’ll take her.” He stopped the waitress and asked, “May I have a refill?”

She smiled and blushed. Yeah, Apollo had no need to take her. As she walked off, I asked, “Why do you want her?”

“Your house is clean, organized. She’s got a shopping list a mile long. Those idiots I live with are—” He tilted his head. He laughed, throwing his head back. “You’re idiots, too! Aren’t you?”

“What? No.” I didn’t think so. I looked at Dane, and he shook his head, too.

“No.” Dane reaffirmed.

“You’re fucking her, right?” he asked.

Dane said, “Barely.”

Then he snickered. I tried not to laugh. Then all three of us laughed. I admitted, “So what? That’s part of it too. We have the right to—”

Apollo laughed and then shook his head. “Yeah. Hey. You two have history. The kind I was sure would keep your dick away from that girl, but hey.”

The waitress returned, and Apollo accepted the refill. He said to her, “When is your shift over?”

“Now, if you want it to be.” She bit her lower lip. He winked at her and nodded.

She blushed and then headed back into the coffee shop, tugging at the strings of the apron she had on as she moved. He looked at us and said, “It’s that easy to get your dick sucked. Why are you fucking the help? I thought you two were smarter than that.”

I looked at Dane. He looked at me, closed his eyes, and made a slight nod. Okay. Apollo wanted to learn the hard way. “Fine. You want a piece of Harpy. We need some defined rules. She can work at your house and you, only you, if you choose to…play with the help. At our house, she is ours. No one else can touch her like that.”

“Got it. I want someone to get our shit operational. It’s a clusterfuck over there. I’ll get her a new contract.” He stood and looked down at the pretty woman in front of him. He asked, “You like pineapples?” She nodded. “Good. That’s what I have left.”