‘I’m just stating facts.’ Luc’s shoulders lifted in a careless shrug. ‘I’m saying I can give more.’

‘I can support my child,’ she said firmly. ‘And I’ll do that with or without your help—’

‘You will do what is right,’ Luc said over her. ‘This isn’t about you, Emma, this is about my child.’

His child. His control. His world.

She had never felt more vulnerable or alone.

Which was all the reason to gather her forces and fight. She wasn’t alone. She had a baby to protect. ‘If you’re suggesting that by doing as you say, I’ll somehow earn more treats for my child, I think that’s despicable, and we’re going to have some real problems down the line. I’m going into the party now. I think we need space—’

‘Don’t play games with me, Emma.’ She gasped as Luc yanked her close. ‘This is too important. You can’t walk away from me.’

‘And you can’t walk away from this problem, which will remain until you learn to let go,’ she shot back. ‘We’re in this together—equal partners, whether you like it or not. Now, get off me,’ she warned, angrily shaking herself free.

‘We’re well matched,’ Luc commented, not in the least bit fazed.

‘You wish,’ she said quietly, stalking off.

Her breath shattered into pieces as Luc brought her back into his arms and silenced her with a kiss. He held her so she couldn’t escape his heat and force, and for a moment she wanted to yield. Thankfully, this time common sense kicked in before she did. ‘No, Luc. We have to talk. And before we do that, I need space from you.’

‘But I don’t need space from you,’ he murmured, smiling his way into her heart. She groaned as he rolled his hips and then made things worse, bending again at the knees and straightening up slowly, rubbing her where she was still so sensitive. He kept up the pressure until her body screamed for him, and wanting Luc was like a madness driving her closer to the brink.

‘You don’t want to go anywhere,’ he said quietly.

She swallowed convulsively, knowing he was right. But she was equally certain she should say, No! I can do without you. She should pull away from him and go back to the party, but she couldn’t...she didn’t want to. She wanted Luc.

‘You want me to have you here where anyone might see or hear,’ he said, seducing her with his wickedness. ‘You want to take that risk that someone could leave the party and head towards the beach, instead of the road—walk right past us while I’m pleasuring you. In fact, the prospect excites you.’

‘Luc, stop this,’ she begged. ‘We can’t—’

‘But we are,’ he said. ‘You don’t want me to stop.’

‘But we could be discovered.’

He smiled as he freed himself. ‘That doesn’t bother you. You’ve got other things on your mind right now, such as me attending very thoroughly to your needs.’

She whimpered in helpless agreement as he cupped her. And then his hand began to work, rhythmically and persuasively, until she couldn’t have stopped him had she tried. Her body had taken over her mind and her actions, and a cry of need flew from her throat. Nothing else mattered but this.

‘I was right, wasn’t I?’ Luc said, smiling against her mouth. ‘I’m going to do everything,’ he said, ‘and you don’t even have to move.’

That was one instruction she couldn’t follow. She was already scrambling up him when Luc lifted her. She couldn’t wait. She couldn’t stand for his teasing or tormenting her, or for foreplay of any kind. She had to have him now...and cried out with satisfaction when Luc’s first stroke drove deep. He filled her completely. He stretched her beyond imagining. The shock was sensational—the pleasure even better. She lost control immediately and bucked against him, out of her mind with triumph and relief, and very soon after that a craven hunger for more.

‘Wait,’ he commanded, his voice a soft, husky drawl. ‘You’re too greedy by far. You’re going too fast.’

‘No,’ she growled, collapsing against him.

‘Try to think of something else,’ he suggested.

‘How am I supposed to do that?’ she gasped out.

‘Do it,’ Luc commanded.

She dragged deeply on his warm, clean scent, revelling in everything about him, knowing that if she did as Luc said the pleasure would be stronger and would last even longer. But there came a point where she couldn’t wait and arching towards him she took him deep, moving fiercely and fast, relishing the feast of sensation—wailing as she crashed over the cliff. She clung to him furiously as he made sure she was done.