Had she really swayed at the thought of Luc in bed with someone else? Shutting out that ugly thought, she tried not to react in any way while the scent of his cologne, warmed and intensified by his body heat, invaded her senses like a drug.

Turning around to face him, she tilted her chin to meet his keen stare, and was immediately dazzled by the expression in his eyes. The same potent combination of lust and humour was there, with, yes, a little caring in the mix. And even without that she’d missed him more than she’d realised.

That way lies heartache, Emma’s inner guardian angel warned. Luc wanted sex, while she wanted so much more. ‘I need to get on,’ she said briskly, moving past him before the heat of his stare could do any more damage.

‘You seem to be on edge,’ Luc commented. ‘What’s wrong with you?’

‘I don’t want to be late for your sister’s party.’

‘Are you sure that’s all? Is the baby okay?’

‘The baby’s fine. I would have said something—’ She bit back the words, knowing they didn’t have that type of close relationship. She would have to find a use for her hands or stop wringing them.

He stopped her at the door. ‘So everything’s going well with your pregnancy?’

‘Yes.’ The crazy part of her longed for Luc to drag her into his arms, and say ‘Good.’ For him to whisper it against her hair as they shared the joy, but he didn’t move and neither did she. Why would he? Why would she? She couldn’t risk becoming reliant on anyone. She had to be strong enough to do this on her own. And Luc was going to make that difficult. There was only one way for him, and that was his way. It was up to her to find a compromise, though how she had no idea as yet. ‘The doctor says everything is going to plan,’ she said, feeling she ought to reassure him.

‘Doctor?’ Luc frowned.

‘The hotel doctor is very helpful. I registered with him the morning after I arrived.’

‘You have made yourself at home.’

‘I’ve done what’s necessary for my health and for the health of my baby.’

He eased away from the door. ‘Our baby.’

Had Luc accepted their child? A little ray of hope lit inside her, but she didn’t push it. ‘The medical care you offer your staff is very good.’

‘I’m glad you approve.’

‘I would be a fool not to take advantage of it.’

‘And no one would call you a fool, Emma.’

There was something in his voice that chilled her—something that said they had a long way to go before they could talk about trust—but while he’d been away it seemed that Luc had got used to the idea of a baby—his child, his heir—and that he was more enthusiastic about the whole idea. This was wonderful news for their child, but Luc would be more determined than ever to bring her under his control.

‘I’d rather you didn’t work,’ he said, confirming her concerns.

‘I have to work. And what I’ve been doing here isn’t exactly hard.’ She gestured around the beautiful room.

‘It isn’t slaving away in the kitchen,’ Luc agreed, ‘as my head chef assures me you are happy to do.’

She was chilled by the thought that he knew everything, but everyone in the hotel reported to Luc. ‘Why am I here if not to work?’

‘You should be resting.’

‘You took me to the kitchens and set me to work.’

‘Not to scrub and clean.’

‘I won’t pick and choose. I’ll do whatever’s necessary.’

‘Will you?’ Luc’s voice and his manner had changed. He was warning her not to push him.

Tough. She wouldn’t give in to him, Emma determined. Luc would enjoy her and then cast her aside as soon as she’d had the baby, if she gave him that chance, and she needed solid foundations for her child, which meant a good job going forward, so she wouldn’t offend him. To get that good job, she’d need a glowing reference from Luc. She wouldn’t do anything to compromise that.

‘I’ll see you at the party,’ he said, looking at her with dark amusement as if he could read her mind.

‘I’ll be there,’ she confirmed. ‘I’m looking forward to it. You should have told me Karina was your sister.’

‘I hear that you’ve become friends.’ His dark eyes grew watchful. ‘What do you talk about?’ He opened the door for them.

She shrugged. ‘This and that.’