‘Is something wrong?’ he queried coolly.

Everything was wrong. She was pregnant with his child. Luc’s voice was totally devoid of emotion. They had never been further apart. She had come halfway around the world with him without pinning down exactly what her purpose here would be. ‘I need to know, what happens next, Luc? We need to talk.’

‘Now is not convenient for me.’

He had obviously made other plans, and she felt foolish for not having factored his life into her thinking. Now he’d got her here she would hardly be at the top of his agenda. But she refused to be stonewalled and sent back to her room like a naughty child. Walking deeper into the room, she turned to face him.

Luc spread his arms. ‘What is it you want, Emma?’

‘My timetable—my work duties?’

‘You’d better sit down.’

She was rocking with jet lag, but she didn’t want to sit down. Once she sank onto one of those big, cream sofas she might just fall asleep and never get up. ‘No, Luc. I just want to know where to report for work tomorrow...’

Luc held up a hand to silence her as his phone rang.

She waited patiently, but when he showed no sign of ending the call she called time on asking for his assistance and walked to the door. He didn’t try to stop her when she left. She wasn’t even sure he noticed. Closing the door, she finally accepted that, having brought her here, Luc had lost all interest—unless she decided to sleep with him, in which case her situation might improve. He hadn’t been joking when he’d said this trip would be what she made of it. It already was, and she really was alone.


EXHAUSTION FINALLY GOT the better of her. She took a bath, slept heavily, but she was still up at dawn. The thought of the new job, new responsibilities and not falling flat on her face was the only alarm clock she needed. It took her a moment to wake up, but once she was focused on where she was, and why, and what lay ahead of her she was a woman on a mission. She was in Rio, for goodness’ sake!

Leaping out of bed, she threw back the curtains on a sunny day and the most incredible view in the world, of aquamarine sea, ivory sand and golden sunshine. Luc could be friendly and helpful, or not. She wasn’t going to hang around to find out what mood he was in. She had a career to think about, and she was going to be on time for this, her first morning at her new job. Her child needed a mother who was successful and hard-working, not a mother who was dithering about trying to decide what to do. Someone would direct her to the staff offices, and she would take it from there.

It occurred to her as she rushed about, getting ready, that other staff members were bound to jump to the wrong conclusion when they found out that she was living next to the boss. Found out? They probably already knew. If there was one thing that never failed to operate smoothly in a hotel, it was the gossip line. They would think—correctly, as it happened—that she was a lot more than a new trainee. She just wasn’t sure what she was—or what her new colleagues would think she was.

Stop it!

She had to stop it now, or she’d lose her confidence. Switching off the shower, she grabbed a towel. She had started at a disadvantage at other jobs and made a go of it. Why should this job be any different?

Grooming was everything in the hotel business. Taming her long red hair, she tied it back neatly and then put on her chain-store suit, the same suit she had worn for her interview in London. As Luc had pointed out on his jet, the wardrobe there had been full of clothes. The dressing room here was stuffed with every imaginable luxury outfit with matching accessories for the successful woman about town. But she wasn’t a successful woman about town. Not yet. Those privileges had to be earned. And when she could afford it, she would pay for the clothes.

Luc was so wrong if he thought she could be bought with a selection of high-end suits, killer heels and accessories to die for. She might be bewitched, enthralled and tempted, but she had no intention of wearing outfits that could only put a wedge between her and her colleagues. She was going to dress to suit her position. And that position wasn’t flat on her back in Luc’s bed.

She took the elevator down to the ground floor. When she asked at Reception for directions to the boardroom, she was conscious of everyone trying very hard not to look at her. Thanking the desk clerk, she headed for the door he had pointed out. Quite a large group was already seated around the table when she got there. Taking in the scene at a glance, she identified one spare chair. At least there was no sign of Luc. She was relieved. She could be herself without him looming over her.