“Good night, honey. Be careful, and I’ll see you in the morning.”
She nods. “Are you coming to the office in the morning?”
I nod sharply. “Yeah, I’m coming into the office in the morning because I know I’m going to want to see you first thing.”
Her smile widens, and she waves again. I can’t resist and wave back before going to my truck. The whole time I follow her to her apartment, I’m thinking about today and how for the first time since I returned to Whiskey Run, I know I’ve made the right decision in retiring. I’m home.
The next morning, I’m driving to work earlier than normal. I try not to make much of it, but I know why I’m doing it. I’m thinking that the sooner I get my work done for Lucas, the sooner I can go to Huddy’s house.
As soon as I’m at my desk, I open the spreadsheet software and get to work on my daily reports. Every time I hear the front door open, I look up, half holding my breath, waiting for Huddy to walk through it.
It’s midmorning before the door opens, and the hair on the back of my neck stands up.He’s here. I don’t have to see him to know he’s here in the building. I sit up a little straighter, and I don’t even try to hide the smile from my face. Thank goodness, Lilian is in Ford’s office so she doesn’t witness my giddiness. Huddy barely gets through the threshold, and I tell him, “Good morning, Huddy.”
He stops in front of my desk. “Morning, honey.”
I sit up straighter when he uses the term of endearment. “Did you sleep well last night?”
Something flashes across his face, and he strokes his hand across his beard. “Want the truth?”
I nod instantly. “Of course I want the truth.”
“No, I didn’t sleep well. Truth is, I haven’t slept well at all since I’ve been home. I’m exhausted.”
I stand up, reach for him, and then let my hand fall to my side. “Oh, Huddy, I’m so sorry.”
He shrugs. “It’s fine. Are any of my brothers in?”
“Beau took yesterday and today off. Austin is out at the plant. Ford’s in his office with Lilian, and Lucas hasn’t come in yet today, but he did call. I’ve already sent him all the reports, so he knows I’ll be going to your house soon. I mean, if you’re still wanting me to.”
He nods. “That’s perfect.” He reaches into the front pocket of his jeans and pulls his keys out. “Here. I got this made for you this morning. That way if I’m not there, you can come and go whenever you please.”
I take the key from him, and when our fingers touch, I take in a deep breath. “Thanks.”
He looks at me knowingly. He knows exactly what being this close to him does to me. “Can you let Ford know I’m coming to see him?”
I push the button on the phone, and when Ford answers, I say, “Hey, Ford, Huddy’s here, and he’s wondering if you have a minute.”
I feel my face heat because without Huddy saying anything, I know why he wanted me to forewarn Ford. I’m sure he didn’t want to interrupt him and Lilian.
“Uh, sure. Tell him to give me five minutes.”
“Will do,” I tell him and hang up. I look at Huddy with embarrassment. “Ford said he’d be ready in five minutes.”
“Sounds good. So what about you, honey? Did you sleep well last night?”
I repeat the words he said to me. “You want the truth?”
His smile deepens, and the skin next to his eyes crinkles. “You know I do.”
I laugh. “Well, I sort of feel guilty now because I slept better last night than I have in a long time.”
He inhales deeply. “Don’t feel guilty. I’m glad you slept well. It makes me happy.”
“So it’s going to be a few days before the furniture gets here, but last night, I had some ideas about what to do with the living room. Would you care if I used your laptop and worked on it?”