Page 31 of Coming Home

He’s looking up at me with his hazel eyes, and I know I can’t deny him anything. “You want me to stay?”

He nods. “Yeah, I think I can sleep… if you’re here.”

Speechless, I nod. I reach for the lamp and turn it off before lying down. I pull the covers up over top of us and sigh at the comfort of the bed. Even though we’re not touching, I can feel the warmth of his body next to me. I turn to look at him, blinking until my eyes adjust. “Can you sleep?”

He shrugs his shoulders.

“Do you want me to rub your back some more?”

Instead of answering me, he asks his own question. “Do you trust me, Ellie?”

I barely resist rolling my eyes. “Uh, you’ve saved me countless times—heck, Huddy, I feel more protected with you than I’ve ever felt in my life. I trust you.”

He’s watching me closely. He opens his mouth and closes it. I know he’s wanting to ask me something but doesn’t. We lie here quietly for the longest time before he continues. “Can I hold you?”

I am about to answer him when he holds a hand up. “No funny business. I just want to hold you, that’s all.”

I try not to let my disappointment show. A part of me wants him to want more. “Yes, Huddy. You can hold me.”

I scoot closer to him. As soon as my body touches his, he wraps me up in his arms. One is slid under my pillow and touching my neck. The other is over my waist, pulling me against his chest. My whole body ignites at his touch. I rest my cheek on his chest, and he pulls me until I’m sprawled over top of him and our legs are tangled together. Even though i don’t want to move, I also don’t want to hurt him in his sleep. “Huddy, you can’t sleep with my weight on you all night.”

He moans and somehow pulls me tighter into his embrace. “Yes, I can. Fuck, this is perfect, Ellie.”

I lie here and try to control my breathing. My nipples are pebbled, and I wonder if he can feel it against his chest. My core is pulled tight, and I know there’s a slickness between my legs. Heck, since the day I met him, I’ve been this way, but this, in his arms, held against him is a whole other level.

His hands go up and down my back in big, soothing strokes. When he doesn’t stop, I bite my lip to hold back my moan of pleasure. My voice is shaky as I stutter the words out. “I’m supposed to be helping you sleep.”

He widens his legs, and I try to adjust to him. His manhood is hard against my outer thigh. I wonder what he’d do if I lifted my leg and shifted so I could feel him against my core. The need to do just that is overwhelming, but I lie still, frozen in place.

“Breathe, honey.”

I let out a breath in a big whoosh. “You’re really going to be able to sleep like this?”

He grunts his answer to me. “Eventually, yeah.”

I nod and let my body nestle into him. I fight back a yawn, but he’s so alert to me and what I’m doing he nuzzles his chin along my hair. “Sleep, honey. I got you.”

My voice is drowsy and my words slightly slurred. “But I’m supposed to have you.”

He kisses my head. “We got each other.”



Iwake up with Ellie sprawled on top of me. Her legs are on each side of my waist, and my cock is hard at her center. I should move. I know it’s the right thing to do, but I can’t force myself. All I’d have to do is pull her shorts and panties to the side and I’d feel her honey warmth coating my cock.

Just thinking of it has me lifting my hips.

She moans and jerks her head off my chest, looking at me with wide eyes. She fidgets her hips side to side, and I put my hand to her lower back. “I wouldn’t do that, honey.”

She twinges her hips again, and I throw back my head as I try to hold my hips down in the bed.Fuck.

Her cheeks are red. “Did you sleep?”

I brush the hair off her face. When I wasn’t thinking of fucking her, I slept, but I can’t say that. “Yeah, I slept. It was good. How about you? Did you sleep okay?”

She raises up over me, the cleavage of her breasts in my face. I could tip my head up just a few inches and kiss her there. She doesn’t realize it, though. “Yeah, I slept really good actually. I’m sorry, Huddy. I wasn’t planning this. I didn’t try to get you into bed… for this.”