Page 23 of Coming Home

I’m almost giddy just thinking about it, and he can tell. His smile deepens. “Absolutely. Get started, and I’ll be home in a little while. My laptop is on the kitchen counter. You remember the password?”

“I remember,” I assure him.

He’s just smiling at me when Lilian walks out of Ford’s office. Her cheeks are pink, and I can’t resist smiling at her before turning to Huddy. “Uh, I think Ford is ready for you now.”

“Morning, Lilian,” he says to her before looking back at me. “Thanks, honey. I’ll see you at home in a little bit.”

I try not to let his words affect me, but the way they make me feel is all gooey inside. I nod and watch as he walks down the hall to Ford’s office. He no sooner disappears through the door than Lilian whistles softly. “Gee, girl, it is hot in here. I mean, you two in the same room together is intense. What’s that about?”

I roll my eyes and start packing up my things. “Nothing. It’s nothing. I told you this morning that I’m going to start working at his house part-time.”

She rolls her eyes. “You can lie to me all you want, but don’t lie to yourself. That man wants you for more than just his employee.”

I refuse to get my hopes up. “He does not. I work for him… he’s my boss, I can’t—”

She raises her hand to stop me. “Before you say anything else, let’s remember that I work for Ford, and he’s my fiancé.”

I laugh. “I know. Honestly, Lilian, look at me. I’m not the type of woman that he would be interested in.”

She laughs, and it fills the whole front office. “Oh my God, you have no idea. Girl, he’s into you. There’s no hiding it. He likes what he sees.”

She’s wiggling her eyebrows, and I can’t help but laugh with her. “Anyway, I’m leaving for the day.”

That seems to wipe the smile off her face. “Oh Elle, I’m so sorry. I’m going to miss you in the afternoons.”

I pull the strap of my purse on my shoulder. “Oh really? I’m sure if you have any free time, you can always go take some dictation from Ford in there.”

Her mouth drops open. I know I’ve surprised her because for the first time since I’ve started here, I’m joking around. Normally, I’m no nonsense.

She squeals in laughter and points at me. “Oh yeah, good one, Elle. ‘Dicktation.’ I get it.” She laughs, taking the joke even further.

I’m laughing as I walk out the door. I feel lighter and happier, and for the first time I’ve let myself forget about my past. It feels good, and I try to soak in the feeling. I know it won’t last, but right now, I’m going to bask in it.



“What’s up, brother?”

I think I’m falling in love.

I’m worried about whatever this is going on with Elle.

I’m not sure where I’m going to fit in with Blaze.

Shit, I know I’m in love.

These are all the things I’m thinking, but I don’t say any of them. I’m sure these are all things I could talk to my brother about, but I’ve never been one to just open up about things. “Nothing much. I thought I’d touch base with you on my meeting with Walker yesterday.”

He leans up in his seat. “Oh yeah, sure. How’d it go?”

I sit down in the chair across from him with his desk between us. “His project is impressive and is going to change people’s lives. I have so many friends that could benefit from the services he’s going to offer. Plus, he didn’t short-change anything with the technology, the machines, nothing.”

Ford is nodding his head the whole time I talk. “Yeah, I knew it would be amazing. Did he tell you that Lucas’ Isabella met with them and made a list of everything they’d need?”

I nod in agreement. “Oh, he told me. He sang her praises and talked about what a lucky man Lucas is. If I hadn’t met Walker’s wife and seen the two of them together, I would have thought he’d be giving Lucas a run for his money.”

Ford laughs. “Yeah, that would have been fun to watch. So what do they need from us?”