She shakes her head. “No, you’re not. It’s a nice day, and I can use the walk.”
She gestures to her thighs, and my hands fist at my sides. “I know you’re not talking bad about yourself.”
She starts to stutter, and I take a step toward her. I’ve tried to hold back, mostly because I know she does have something going on, and she’s living in some kind of fear. After my meeting with Walker today, I’m not any closer to knowing what Elle is hiding, and it’s put me in a shitty mood. But she just admitted that she doesn’t fear me, so I’m going to use that knowledge to my advantage. “I like you, Ellie. I like you a lot.”
“You do?”
I nod. All I have to do is lean over a few more inches, and I would be able to press my lips to hers. My whole body is vibrating at the thought of it. I move just a little, and her eyes widen. She’s not ready for me to kiss her or do any of the things I’ve thought of doing to her since the first time I laid eyes on her yesterday. And that is why I know I need to wait. I pull back and slowly let out a breath. “Yeah, honey. I do. And that’s why I can’t let you walk home. Your car is going to be ready in a few hours, and we’re going to go pick it up.”
“How is my car already done? Last time, it was in the shop for over a week.”
I shrug as if I don’t know the answer, but in fact, I asked Tate to get it done quickly. I put my hand at the small of Elle’s back and lead her back to my truck. “I was hoping that I could take you by my house and show you around. Maybe grab dinner.”
She seems to think about it. “Okay. Do you want to take me to get my car first? That way you don’t have to come back out later.”
I laugh, and it sounds weird coming from me. I can’t remember the last time I’ve openly laughed. “No, I’m sure that I want to spend as much time with you as possible. Plus, I won’t be able to sleep unless I know you’re safe at home.”
I wrap my hand around her elbow and wait for her to flinch, but she doesn’t. If anything, she moves closer to me. I gesture to my truck. “Come on, let’s go.”
She doesn’t say anything until we’re halfway across town. “Are you missing the military?”
My hands automatically tighten on the steering wheel. “Parts of it.”
My voice trails off, and my mind can’t help but go back to my last years there.
Ellie’s voice is soft and compassionate. “You don’t have to talk about it. I just figured that your life here is completely different than the life you lived in the military.”
I nod and turn onto the road that leads to my house. “Yeah, it’s completely different, in fact. I slept on a two-inch pad for a long time. It’s taking some time getting used to this house. And it’s too quiet. I’ve decided that I need noise to sleep.”
I pull into the driveway. “This is it.”
After turning off the ignition, I jump out of the truck and circle around to her side, opening her door. She’s staring at the house in front of her. “Ellie. Ellie, honey, you okay?”
She shakes her head and looks down at me as she points at my house. “This is the house you want me to decorate? This house?”
I nod. “Yeah, this is it.”
I barely get it out and she’s shaking her head. I notice her knuckles are white as she clutches her purse. “No way. I can’t decorate that.”
I lean against the open door and peer up at her. “Why not?”
“That’s probably a million dollar house, Hudson! I’m not a trained professional. Heck, you don’t even know if I’m any good. There’s no way…”
At this point, I’ve had enough. I reach over and undo her seatbelt before planting my hands on each side of her hips. I pull her from the truck, and when her feet touch the ground, I release her hips only to grab on to her hand. After shutting the door, I pull her up the steps, punch in the code for the front door, and push it open.
“Are you mad at me?” she asks me as I slam the front door closed behind us.
“No, I’m not mad at you. Not really. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you—”
She cuts me off. “You don’t even know me.”
I shrug and point to the open room before us. It’s huge. The living room, dining room, and kitchen are all open into one another. The furniture is sparse. There’s a chair in front of a little television. And there are stools at the bar that divides the kitchen from the living area. Other than that, there’s not much to it. “For a week, I’ve come home to this. Look at it and tell me what you would do to it.”
She starts to shake her head. “I don’t know. Heck, Hudson I don’t know what color schemes you like, dark wood or light wood, nothing. I can’t just—”
I cut her off and put my hands on her shoulders. “Yes, you can. If this was your house and you didn’t have a budget, what would you do?”
I tug on a stray strand of hair and tuck it behind her ear. I’m so close to her, I want to stay right here. She blinks when she looks up at me. “Can I look around first?”