Page 11 of Double The Pleasure

"You did try to warn me." She gasps and her cheeks turn pink. "Oh shit, did I fuck something up for you?" I have no idea what she's talking about and it must be written on my face because she keeps going. "That woman at the club, you were talking to her and..."

"Gillian, she's my liquor girl." Her face scrunches up like she might be trying to figure out if that's a euphemism or not. "She orders the stuff and keeps an eye on how low we run and when we need to make another order. She's...old enough to be my mom, I think." I haven't ever even looked at Gillian like that so I couldn't tell you how old she is or looks.

"Oh," some of the tension leaves Harper's body and a part of my brain - clearly the part in contact with my cock - is jumping up and down and doing fucking cartwheels because she was jealous. "I just...there's no way she's old enough to be your mom. She looks amazing."

"Really?" I'm so confused. Gillian just looks like...Gillian to me, nothing great but she's professional and gets her job done. She treats us like her sons sometimes so maybe that's where I got that she was way older than me. Fuck, now I feel bad for not paying more attention to my fucking employees.

"Yeah, but I was thinking about...," you, "something else." She gives me another breathy oh before falling quiet again. "I'm not in a relationship or dating or doing anything else with anyone - other than you. Despite what it looks like I don't get so drunk I don't remember what happened the next day and I don't go around looking for fights or trouble. I own my own business - several actually - with my brother and the two of us live together."

She nods at all I'm telling her, taking it all in. When I'm done we sit in silence for a few seconds before she looks back up. "I guess there isn't a lot to say about me that you don't already know. I mean you already know my sexual history - or lack of it - for God's sake."

I dirty thought curls inside of my brain wanting to take life but I hesitate to act on it. She gives me a shy smile, not one that says she's nervous to be around me but one that says we have a secret together. That smile makes up my mind.

"Can I...check something out?" She nods before she even knows what it is. "Can I see?" I drop my hand down on her thigh close to where her leg and pussy meet. She jumps at the contact. At my words she draws away from me, pulling back. "So I can make sure I didn't hurt you or you know, we actually didn't...," I search for the right words, "break anything." There are none.

" want to look at my...?" Her eyes are big and disbelieving. I'm such a bastard. I really do want to make sure I didn't hurt her but I also want to take a fresh look at what I did, at how I marked her as mine. "You said we didn't do anything like that? You agreed with me when I said I would know if we had done anything because I would be sore today?"

"I definitely know we didn't fuck because you would be sore today but that doesn't mean I didn't get too overzealous. I just want to make sure you're alright." Her eyes flick to the hallway where our siblings just disappeared to. "I don't have to do anything elaborate. It will only take a second."

"Can't this wait? Maybe you can check me later." She asks hopefully. "After I've had time to shower."

Ah, now I understand why she's more than a little hesitant. "It's alright, baby, I just want to make sure you're alright. I don't want to put it off. Just let me do it."

She screws her face up but gives me a small nod. "How...?" Her question dies on her lips as I run my hand over the inside of her thigh letting my thumb brush against her seam. Her eyes grow big and when they meet mine I see everything I need to in her eyes. She's not used to any of this. She doesn't understand this pull between us isn't normal, that it doesn't happen with anyone else but her.

I flick my wrist so the end of my shirt she's wearing rises and I can see where my hand is. She's bare but I remember that from last night - and how soft she is. Fuck. I, nor my dick, have ever touched anything as soft as she is. I lean her back so I can take a better look as I push her legs further apart. She's still wet. I don't know if it's me or her, it doesn't matter; it's hot as fuck seeing her thighs glistening with it.

I run the pad of my thumb over her again and watch as she puts her hand over her mouth to keep from getting too much louder. Her fingers curl around my shoulder reminding me I'm not wearing very much at all. I use the hand not holding her in my lap to spread her apart. God, she's beautiful. Pretty and pouty and soft her lips are a mimic of the top set I spent the night kissing.

"Does...does it alright?"

I nod my head, incapable of actually using my voice right at this moment. If I tried to speak I would be shouting she's mine and that would just scare the hell out of her and send her running. I make sure my thumb is nestled where I can play with her little nub while I check to make sure she's good. I don't see any blood and there would be blood on her and me both if we broke her hymen last night.

Her little pussy might be pink but it isn't raw or swollen like she would be after. I can't stop myself from licking my lips. God, what I wouldn't do for a taste but she's not ready for that so I can wait. I push at her entrance. Fuck me, is she tight. I can almost tell one hundred percent that she has never done anything. She's never so much as shoved a tampon inside of her she's that tight.

When she realizes what I'm doing she tries to scoot away from me. I tighten my hold on her. "Don't move!" I don't mean to growl at her but I've come too far for me to carelessly break her now because I couldn't hold on to her tight enough. Like a good girl she stops and goes very still in my arms. "Don't fucking move. I don't want to hurt you."

I pet her bare mound to try to show her I don't mean to be such a dick. I sound like a fucking bank robber taking someone hostage instead of a grown-ass man trying to push his finger inside his woman to make sure she's alright. My dick is so not happy to be trapped inside my boxers right now. He's just going to have to settle down. She comes first. I turn my head and nip at her ear, "You have to relax."

"I can't." She looks at me worried that she won't be able to do as I say.

"Kiss me. Take your mind off what's going on. Use me to distract yourself." Her lips tremble to mine and she gives me hesitant little kisses that aren't going to do the job. I run my hand up her back and take her hair in my hands so I can turn her head the way I need it turned before I take control of the kiss, pushing my tongue forward and running it around the cavern of her mouth.

I apply more pressure to her clit with my thumb, rocking it back and forth. Harper melts into me. Her body gives me exactly what I want - what I need. I feel my finger sink into her as I apply consistent pressure. When it pops in I swallow her yelp and work her mouth harder so she doesn't tense up. It doesn't take me long to find the thin membrane stretched across her entrance, guarding her fertile little womb still.

I back off and turn my finger so I can find the soft, spongy spot inside of her that I know will give her pleasure. I want to reward her for letting me check on her. I pull away from her just a breath, "So good, you were so good. I want to make you feel good for staying so still and quiet." Her breath is coming faster and faster, she's almost panting and her hips are getting restless. Soon it'll be too dangerous to leave my finger inside of her because she'll rock up into my touch too fast or too hard. I scoot us further on the couch and lay her back so that her lower body is still stretched out across my lap. "Don't scream, baby."

It's the only warning I give her as I lay my arm across her hips to hold her in place so I can give her reward to her. She tenses like I expected she would. I can feel the pressure of her hips wanting to move against my arm. I start crooking my finger up inside of her and when I look back at her I see her eyes roll back as her body arches up. I watch the muscles surrounding my finger tighten and jump as she hits her peak in my arms.

Her eyes are closed so she doesn't see me take my finger from her and immediately bring it to my mouth to suck her sweetness off. Her flavor hits my tongue and my dick can't take any more. I go off, coating my underwear and probably her as it seeps through. I bring her up to me and we both sit leaning on each other, my head resting on her shoulder and hers resting on top of my head.

"What's going on?" Her sister's voice breaks into any afterglow we might have had. I flip her shirt down to cover her and pull her tighter to me.

Chapter Nine

