Page 8 of Heartthrob

“Holy fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You got fucking tighter, you… Fuck!”

She makes a noise that sounds like a whimper as she tightens those legs up even more around me. I all but wrap myself around her, sliding my hands in her hair and holding her to me, working my hips faster and faster.

“I’m going to cum.” I whisper to her, close to her ear, “I’m going to paint that tight, little ass white, Sweetheart!”

Her breaths are coming in quick little pants now.

“Gonna cum so hard it’s going to cover you from chin to pussy, precious.”

She cries out about the same time I cum and grunt out as well. My cock twitches as warm, wet spurts leave my body to splash on hers. Her stomach is covered. Her panties are sticking to her pussy - drenched with my cum. And she’s shaking through the finale shivers of her climax.

I wait for her to open her eyes but when she does, I’m not expecting what happens next. “Oh my God! I…I’m so sorry. I’ve never…I don’t know…”

Before she can actually say anything else my hips are moving again, giving one final thrust as I take in her shivering body wrapped in one of my old t-shirts. More cum splashes on her thighs.

I try to catch my breath so I can find out why she’s saying she’s sorry, but I also am in some serious afterglow.“Oh sweet…release. That was a fucking religious experience.”

“Lincoln, I’m sorry.” She looks like she’s about to cry.

“What? Why would you be sorry?”

“I…I think I…I…”

“You came too?” She gives me a watery nod. I’m still not seeing why this is an offense worth crying over. “That’s great. I don’t feel so fucking bad for using your body the way I did.”


It finally hits me why she might be upset. “Was it your first orgasm, sweetheart?”

She closes her eyes and swallows.

“Esme? Was it your first time cumming?”

“Yes!” It’s barely a whisper but I hear it.

“Okay, baby. It’s okay. It’s a good thing. A very good thing.”

Her eyes pop back open, “But I didn’t ask you if…I didn’t warn you I was going to or ask permission or…”

“Sweetheart, you never have to ask me if you can cum. That’s your right and my privilege.” I drop a small kiss on her upturned mouth and get ready to do it all over again when a voice rings out through the house.

“Uh…Linc! Linc, my man, are you, uh, done entertaining?”

“Oh my God!” She shrinks away from me. And I don’t like it. “Did he…?”

Her eyes are huge.

“Your ass better stay downstairs, Andy, or I’m going to be looking for a new agent.”

“Really? Wow. Alright. I’m down here. Waiting.” I can hear the surprise in his voice from here. Lots of things are going to change and Andy is going to have to get on board or find another money train.

“That’s my agent, Andy. You stay as long as you need to. I’ll handle him. And get the fucking key back from him.”

This morning has changed everything.

I find Andy sitting on the couch like he’s in front of the principal’s office. He jumps up as soon as he spots me. “You sure this woman is…safe? I mean she just jumped into bed with you…?”

“How about you let me manage my love life and you stick to managing my career, Andy? I would hate to have to replace you.”