Page 4 of Heartthrob

“And I’ll pay you.”

“You’ll pay me…to be your girlfriend? Like a prostitute or a call girl?” I jump up and go behind the couch putting it between us. “I don’t think so. No matter how desperate you think I am - I’m not a whore!”

“What?! No! It’s not…it’s not like that. I promise. It’s not money to be my girlfriend.” He takes my wrist in his hand and pulls me back around the couch, sitting so I won’t be so intimidated. “It’s money for you to buy things we need to convince people. Like clothes and stuff. You could give them all back at the end like actresses do on the sets of movies.”

I want this so badly. “And you’d help me get my life back?”

Could it really be so easy?

Chapter Four



I feel like I’m walking on fucking eggshells. I want so desperately to take care of her. She’s tiny - a lot smaller than I first thought and has such delicate features. I didn’t think I had a Daddy kink but damned if this woman doesn’t make me want to treat her like a little and ask her to depend on me to make her life better.

I’ve had some friends into that sort of thing and I played a Daddy Dom in a movie who was searching for a little. I don’t find her but I do find the lost treasure of Numandrid. Don’t ask, it was in my action star phase.

“What would I have to do…to pretend? If I agreed?”

Talking is good. If I can keep her talking then maybe I can convince her to go along with this crazy scheme.

“Nothing too wild. Go to some premiers with me, a couple of Hollywood parties, a few awards ceremonies maybe. Have dinner out with me so the paps can take some pictures to prove we are together.” She seems like she might be about to say yes when I throw out the clincher. “And live with me.”


“It’s just to keep things simple and easy. I wouldn’t have to worry about security for you and hire more guys.” This is a woman who’s not stunned by money. She would understand frugality. She’s a rather cautious little thing but given what she’s told me I can completely understand why. “Or worry about someone like the paparazzi trying to bother you.”

She looks worried for a second before finally giving me what I want. “Alright. I guess…I can do it.”

“And sleep with me.”


I rush to explain, “Not like that. Just so we can get used to being around one another. Like a fast-track friendship. You’ve spent time with your friends doing stuff like sleepovers, right?”

“Yeah but all of them were girls.”

“It just gives us more time to get used to one another. I mean we’re going to have to act like we’re fucking.”

“Um…yeah, I’m not really good at acting…or lying. I’m not certain that people will actually believe that you and I are together.”

“Which is why you don’t have to lie when they ask if we’re sleeping together.” Seems good to me.

“No, you don’t understand… I’m…,”

“Perfect. I know.”

She starts gnawing at her bottom lip and giving me a frustrated look, “No, it’s…I can’t pretend to be your lover… I don’t know how.”

I chuckle at how cute she’s being. There are a lot of people who think they can’t act but everyone acts at some point in their lives. Whether it’s to get out of a speeding ticket or to make someone else feel better about something - everyone is an actor at some point.

“Don’t know how?” I just have to bolster her self-confidence. “Why, are you like a virgin or something?”

A blush hits her face and spreads across her cheeks traveling down to the top of her chest where the vee of the robe opens a little. She doesn’t say anything and her eyes skate all around the room.

Still, it takes me a minute before it sinks in, “Oh. Oh fuck. You…you’re cherry fresh.”