Page 10 of Heartthrob

I gasp out and let him lead me. “Sit up, baby girl.”

He helps me sit up on him which pushes us even further into one another at the point of contact causing me to moan out. He rocks me so that I’m moving in just the right way. My head falls back as even more heat and pleasure course through me. Both of us are working toward the same goal but Linc is doing a little more work, his arm muscles bunching and bulging with the effort he’s putting in.

“Oh…my God.” It’s not a cry, not a shout, it’s a soft whisper I use my last bit of breath saying before my world whites out and my body tenses up tight enough I worry I’m going to break. Fear is riding very close to ecstasy in my chest as everything pulses suddenly and all I can do is cry out weakly as I arch back and let the sensations take me over.

I slump forward and it takes me several minutes to realize both of us are covered in cum. The bottom of my nightdress sticks to my upper thighs and belly while my panties are all but see-through from all the cum between us.

“That’s a hell of a way to wake a guy up, baby.”

“Oh my God!” I can’t believe what I just did. “I’m…”

“Amazing. The sexiest woman I’ve ever met. I know, baby, I know.” He kisses me on the nose first and then on the lips. He’s got a hand full of my breast and both of us are still trying to catch our breaths.

“Come on, baby. We’ve got a lot to do today.” And that’s it. He’s gone again. Leaving me in a dizzy whirl of emotion much like yesterday.

The day is a lot like the day before except this time during breakfast Linc hands me a pill and tells me to take it.

“What is it?”

“A vitamin. You’re going to have to keep up your strength during the next few weeks before you get used to us going most nights. Take it. I wouldn’t give you anything that’s going to hurt you, sweetheart.”

And I take it. I trust him enough and it sounds legitimate enough that I do as he tells me. Then the day is packed with people coming to fix my hair, nails, and make-up before we go out to a lunch date. At the end of the date, the paparazzi find us and starts snapping pictures and yelling questions at us.

The click and flash of cameras are enough to unnerve a person but some of the questions are… insulting.

Where did he find me? Like I’m a thing to be found and not a person. Am I pregnant? Do I look pregnant? That one worries me a little bit considering I have to pick a dress for the cast party tomorrow night. Even Linc doesn’t like that one as he growls at the one asking it.

Then I’m left alone for the rest of the afternoon in the big white house. Even when Linc comes back he’s not the same snuggly person he was before one of those photographers asked if I was knocked up. Did it bother him? It bothered me. Did it make him rethink our agreement?

The next morning, I wake up alone and I'm a little shaky as things start to finally catch up with me. A woman comes in and pushes the curtains open before I can sit up.

“Hello dear, I would love to let you sleep as I’m sure Linc kept you up all night but tonight is the cast party and we have so much to do to get you ready.”

“Um, who are you?”

“I’m Sherry. Linc hired me to be your assistant.”

“Oh, um, okay.”

“Perfect. Now let’s make some magic.”

The rest of the day is filled with dress fittings and pampering so I’ll be ready for my first carpet walk. I find that I really like Sherry. She’s smart and funny and doesn’t mind that I’m a little out of my depth with all of this.

I don’t see Linc until much later in the day. He comes in dressed in a tux and looking stunning.

“Oh wow! You look…breathtaking.”

I was thinking the same thing about him. I am so out of my depth with this world and in so much trouble. But when I look at him, I forget.

Chapter Eight



The party is in full swing, and I have my eyes all over my little thief. It’s been noticed too. People have started talking about how I refuse to leave her side even for promotional pictures. Especially when she starts going to town on the champagne candies and chocolate rum balls.

And she charms everyone around her. Over time and with a few too many rum balls she starts to relax. Her laugh rings out like tinkling bells across the sea of phony and fake people. I make sure to keep my hands on her so no one is left with any doubt that this beautiful woman is mine.