“Nathan fucking Grey? He’s been in cahoots with TGRI this whole time?”
Brock nodded.
“I thought it would be best if you saw it for yourself. No wonder he was so incompetent. He never wanted to save the center. He wanted to get you to sell it the entire time.”
“I don’t get it. Why? Why pretend to help me?”
“He wanted you to rely on him, confide in him. Trust him. In the meantime, he told TGRI about your every move.”
“But he helped me fend off attempts to buy the center before.”
“Of course he did. He wanted TGRI to purchase the property, not a rival.”
I sat down on a stack of milk crates, totally floored.
“That’s…wow. And I thought he was a good guy.”
I turned to Brock with a sour expression.
“I guess you think this proves that you’re not like him, right?”
“No. I just wanted you to be aware of the situation. I’ll take you home in a bit if you’d like. But I suggest you keep watching.”
A moment later, someone walked up behind Mikkelson.
“It’s about time. We’re starving. I’ll have the…”
His voice trailed off when he saw the man behind him wore a police officer’s uniform.
“Mr. Mikkelson, Mr. Grey, you are under arrest on charges of corruption.
Watching the two of them get handcuffed and led away should have been cathartic. And yet, I didn’t really want revenge. What I wanted stood right beside me.
“So…you said you’d do anything for another chance?”
His eyes shone in the half light.
“Yes, I did say that. And I meant it. I love you.”
I couldn’t fight the tightness inside my chest any longer.
“I love you, too.”
“I promise I'll never lie to you again, Grace. I’ll never hurt you again.”
“Brock, we just went through a lot. We should take things slow.”
“Yes, of course. It makes perfect sense to take things slow.”
We stood closer together. I couldn't recall moving.
“So we should maybe start with a date. Dinner and a show, maybe.”