Page 78 of Daddy's Game

Ironic. I could have any woman in the world I wanted, within reason. Yet, the only woman I wanted to be with hated and distrusted me. I didn’t hold out any hope that my grand gesture would win her back. In fact, part of me hoped she wouldn't even find out I was behind the advertising blitz.

Another part of me wanted her to find out, though.

That part of me rejoiced when my secretary called and said Grace was outside my office door.

I hesitated only a moment before answering.

“Thank you, Regina. Send her in, please.”

The door popped open, and Grace walked in. Even in faded blue jeans, a ponytail, and no makeup she was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. My heart leaped with joy to see her…and broke down in despair when it remembered we’d broken up.

Her eyes lanced out at me as she came over to stand by my desk. I stood up at her approach, buttoning my blazer and straightening my tie.


“What’s your game, man?”

I closed my mouth and allowed her to vent.

“One minute you’re trying to take my center, the next you’re trying to save it? I can’t trust you, Brock. I don’t know what you’re going to do one second to the next.”

I waited just to see if she was done before I tried to speak.

“Grace, I should never have lied to you.”

“Yeah, that’s right. You shouldn’t have. Only you did.”

I sighed, my heart yearning to hold her, to kiss those wonderfully sweet lips. Yet I knew that was denied to me, perhaps forever.

Then again, she did come over here in person when she could have just called…

That kernel of hope kept me going.

“I want you to know, though, that I only lied about being on the TGRI board of directors. I really had no idea what they were up to, and had no hand in the rezoning debacle.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

I looked down at the papers on my desk and selected a stapled bundle.

“Here. This is a notification from the board telling me I’ve been fired as the CFO of TGRIU.”

She stared at the paper and scowled.

“Why did they fire you?”

“They kind of take it personally when you inform the securities and exchange commission about their bribery and wrongdoing.”

Her mouth fell open.

“It’s true. The company has been buttering the bread of a number of aldermen. Their termination of me won’t stop the resulting legal consequences. Though I suppose the board did find it cathartic.”

I smiled. She didn’t. My smile faded.

“Is this going to stop them from trying to rezone the block?”

I shook my head.

“Unfortunately, it won’t. If anything, it’s going to make them double down. They’re probably hoping they can get the regulation passed, and dodge legal consequences. Even if they don’t get out of it and have to suffer the consequences of their actions, they’ll still have the commercial zone to exploit.”