Page 43 of Daddy's Game

I waited a moment, and then texted back.

How are you feeling?

Neither of us had yet spoken of our encounter in the limo. I was determined to get her to do so first. More as a game than anything else. With her keen mind, Grace would be a canny opponent.


Followed up with an emoji. A cute one with a smiley face with tongue lolling and hearts for eyes.

No emojis. Always speak your mind. Next rule of business.

After a moment, she responded.

Sir, yes SIR.

Followed up with a chipmunk in a soldier uniform gif doing the salute.

I said no emojis.

That’s a gif.

I laughed, and got out of the limo for my first stop, barely taking my eyes off of the phone in my hand. When was the last time I’d felt this alive?

You’re being deliberately obtuse. You know what’s on both of our minds.

Do I?

“Oh, you little trollop, you,” I hissed through clenched teeth as I bought my merchandise. I tipped generously and earned a ‘have a nice night’ from the proprietor.

She frustrated me, yes, but I found myself painfully erect.

“Fine. I will allow you this small victory in order to win the overall war.”

I got back in the limo, careful with my fragile merchandise. Once I’d stowed it safely in the seat beside me, I took up my phone again.

I haven’t been able to get the taste of you off my mind.

Nothing happened for several moments. As the minutes stretched out, I was tempted to say something else, but I resisted.

“Come on, sweet Grace. Take the bait. You know you want to.”

What do you want me to say? That I had a good time? Obviously I did. Then you just kicked me out onto the street, while I was–

The texting stopped. I waited, sipping bottled water while waiting. I had her now.

It was just mean to do that. It’s all I’m saying. You can’t get a girl all worked up and just leave her twisting in the wind like that.

It had taken her a long time to type all of that. I absorbed it for a moment, then smiled. I had her right where I wanted her.

I’m going to call you.

I waited about a minute, then saw her reply flash on my screen as I was scrolling to the keypad.


I pressed the green icon. She made me wait about three rings before picking up.
