Page 66 of Daddy's Game

“Yes, you are. And I think I’ve figured it out.”

His eyes softened, as well as his voice.

“You don’t want people to do favors for you because you don’t feel like you’re worth their effort.”

My eyes widened. I couldn’t believe he’d said that.

What’s more, I couldn’t believe it was true.

“You don’t think you’re worth the effort, so you don’t want any favors. You think that your friend Mizrani was the one with the talent and the moxie to go to the top of your field. So after she died, you had to settle for trying to make others great instead of yourself.”

“That’s not true.”

“I think that it is. I'm sorry, Grace. I’m not telling you this so you’ll feel bad about yourself. Quite the opposite. Youareworth the effort, Grace. You are worthy of people doing you favors. In my humble opinion, you’re far more than merely worthy.”

I stared at him in silence for a time. I tried to rifle through my thoughts and find a solid argument against his assertions. Finally, I opened my mouth to speak.


“Grace, why is it that the only person you’ll let do favors for you is an ineffectual civil servant, who quite frankly is underwhelming in every conceivable way.”

“That’s a mean thing to say.”

“I despise incompetence.”

I tapped my hand against his cheek.

“Meanie. Don’t make me slap the surly out of you.”

“Don’t make me punish you for being sassy.”

I thrust my fingers into his ribcage in an all out tickle assault. My opponent had size, reach, and power. I had the element of surprise. For a while, that was enough to let me dominate him. I actually got him laying on his side.

Only then did I realize it had been a ruse. With his new position, he was able to hook his legs around my midsection.

It’s hard to wrestle when you’re laughing this hard.

I wriggled about, trying to slide out of his legs while simultaneously still tickling with one hand. Brock grabbed my wrist and held it easily.

When I tried to pry my wrist free, still laughing so hard tears rolled down my cheeks, he got both of my hands in one of his.

“Oh, now you’re just being ridiculous.”

I almost squirmed free, because he laughed just as hard as I did. But I wasn’t surprised when I wound up belly down on the sofa, both of my hands held behind my back.

Brock pinned me down with his body. A moan issued from my body as he put his lips right next to my ear.

“Now, I believe somebody said she was a bad girl. You know what happens to bad girls?”

He licked my neck, hot exhalations caressing my skin as he moved along, worshiping my body. My mouth flew open with a sharp cry as I felt him grind his ever growing member against my ass.

“I asked you a question, Grace.”

He bit my earlobe, just hard enough for me to feel the sharpness of his teeth without breaking the skin. A guttural groan forced its way out of me and splashed on the glass walls of the office.

“What happens to bad girls?”

He went back to kissing my neck. A tingling worked its way from my clit all the way through my body, forking like summer lightning. I’d never felt so in the moment before. And the moment felt like sheer heaven.