Page 53 of Daddy's Game

Ifelt Brock’s warm breath flowing over my skin. My eyes opened, a smile stretching my lips as I came into wakefulness.

“Good morning.”

“The sun’s not up yet,” I said dreamily.

He kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and clung on tight, even when he tried to withdraw. Laughing, he managed to disentangle himself from my naked limbs. Brock straightened his tie while I let out a disappointed groan.

“Sorry, my Sweet. But I’ve got to get to a meeting with the new board of GolfCarts N More. They’re relatively green and I want to make sure we’re all on the same page.”

“I know, I know,” I said sleepily. “Go make more money, like you need any more.”

“I’ll call you later.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

He gave me a look and I burst into laughter.

“You’re sassy this morning.”

“Well, you can always spank me for it later.”

“I just might do that.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

He laughed, and lingered at the door for a bit.

“I’ll be thinking about you.”

Warmth blossomed in my belly and spread through the rest of my body.

“Okay. Will I see you tonight?”

“Probably, but it might be late.”

“When isn’t it?”

He chuckled and vanished out the door at last. I grabbed the pillow he’d used and wrapped my arms around it, snuggling up like it was a Brock scented stuffed animal.

I drifted in and out of sleep. I almost felt too good to slumber. I’d been caught up in a whirlwind romance with a billionaire twice my age.

And I couldn’t have been happier.

I rolled over onto my back and stared at the ceiling as the light of dawn began to brighten the horizon. Below me, the city came to life as another day dawned on New York.

Am I pink clouding about Brock? I hope not. He really makes me happy. In so many ways, he’s the perfect man.

And yet, I still had my trepidations about dating him. Brock was incredibly busy. He made as much time for me as his insanely packed schedule would allow. In fact, he skipped more than a few meetings to stay in bed with me.

I wondered if I really had a place in his world, though. I was just a kid from the mean streets who’d gotten into the performing arts business as a way of giving back to my community. He made more money in ten minutes than I probably would for my entire life.

His goal was expanding his business empire. Mine was making the Mizrani Performing Arts Center into the perfect place for disadvantaged youth to achieve their dreams. While they weren’t mutually exclusive goals, I wondered if we could really make things work in the long term.

I rose at last and showered, then dressed in some of the clothes Brock had bought for me. I got better reactions in my professional garb, and not just from people I begged donations off of. Even my own people, Selma included, gave me a little more respect even if they weren’t aware of it on a conscious level.

My heels clacked on our freshly paved parking lot. I couldn’t even remember where the deepest pot holes had been any longer. The facade of the building looked better, too. Gone were the broken windows, though some of them remained boarded up due to other issues. I couldn't wait until I got someone in to deal with the mold smell I’d endured since we moved in.

I made it inside the building and found that I had a visitor. Nate Gray. The heavy set, bespectacled man gave me a serious frown, and I knew that he had not come as the bearer of good news.