Page 30 of Skid Spiral

My free hand came to rest on her side and froze at the feel of the towel. I’d almost forgotten how little she was wearing.

But Lou leaned into my touch encouragingly, looping her own arm around the back of my neck. Her whole body pressed flush against mine.

I suppressed a groan and kissed her more deeply. My thumb stroked up and down her side.

My fingers tingled with anticipation, and I couldn’t resist stroking them upward. My palm came to rest against the curve of her breast.

If I’d had any doubt about her enthusiasm for this encounter, the encouraging murmur that escaped her lips erased it in a flash. When I swiveled the heel of my hand over the pebbled peak beneath the fabric, I received a needy whimper.

Lou arched her back at the contact and kissed me as if she needed my touch like she needed air.

Ihadhooked up with plenty of partners in the past, but somehow this fiery woman had me as giddy as a teenager making his first confession.

Her hand trailed down my back. She tucked her fingers under the hem of my shirt and brushed her thumb across my bare skin.

I shifted my hips against her, desperate to feel those bare thighs against my own skin. More of the slope of her breasts spilled out from the towel beneath my fingers, the hem dipping almost to her nipples.

A little gasp of pleasure burst from her lips. That sound was heaven.

My dick throbbed as my thoughts ran wild. I envisioned the towel slipping lower, revealing all of the perfect mounds.

Lou’s hand stroked higher, her mouth claiming mine in a wilder kiss—

And a buzzing sound emanated from the bench behind us.

Lou pulled away with a muttered curse. She glanced back at her phone, which buzzed again with another alert.

“Crap,” she said. “I really have to get going. I hadn’t planned for a detour.”

Of course she couldn’t have planned for me to barge into the change room while she was showering. My face heated all over again, but before I could do anything like apologize, Lou turned back to me and touched my cheek.

The eagerness in her eyes melted me. “Idowant to plan for it to happen again. To be continued?”

Relief and joy shot through me in tandem despite the ache in my groin. “Definitelyto be continued.”

Lou flashed a smile that promised so much more to come. “Great. Can’t wait for the sequel.”

I stepped out of the change room to let her get dressed, adjusting my pants as I went and willing my erection to calm down. Once it was no longer obscene, I headed out through the streets to my apartment.

Halfway there, it occurred to me that I had never gotten around to telling Lou the details of that yoga pose. Well, I guessed it wasn’t totally my fault that I’d gotten distracted.

I found a video of the pose online and texted her with it. Just as I was about to slide my phone back into my pocket, it chimed with an incoming email.

I glanced at the subject line and paused.

“Ninth Annual Dellville Figure Skating Competition,” I read in a murmur. “What do we have here?”



Hobb Creek lookedlike a totally different town in the dead of night. I could hardly believe that it was the same little hamlet that had captured my heart.

The continuing trickle of passersby from the early evening had headed home or onward in their tourist journey. Only a couple of lights still shone in windows.

Not a single soul roamed the streets. The only movement that caught my eye was a stray cat jumping from rooftop to rooftop and a brief streak of a shooting star.

I stopped for a second to take that sight in. When was the last time I’d been in a position to simply stop and stargaze?