Page 8 of Sienna

“It appears you’re not ready yet to talk.” He sighed heavily, and she could almost imagine him crossing his arms. That his broad shoulders were powerful enough to carry such immense wings made her breathing tighter still. “You know, the sooner we chat the sooner I can let you go.”

Something snapped in her then. She flew around to face him and in half-a-dozen jerky strides she was standing in front on him, quivering with rage.

A distant part of her noticed that the gash on his face and his arm was gone, as though the injury had never been. Then there was his damp hair and his change of clothes, his fresh scent of vanilla soap and an elusive forest scent that was all him. His black pants stretched over the length of his muscled thighs and calves, his white T-shirt not even bothering to conceal the wings that were folded behind him.

She gritted her teeth, hating him more than ever. “I don’t want your food. I don’t want anything from you!” She smacked the breakfast tray off the bed, sending the glass of juice into the air, along with two slices of toast and scrambled eggs. The glass hit the wall and shattered, juice splattering everywhere. The eggs slopped onto the floor and the toast skidded.

And her ability to implode a living thing from the inside out rose inside her as she screamed, “Leave me alone!”

Chapter Four

Gray’s entire bodytingled and prickled as a surge of power raised the hairs on the back of his head and neck, his vision glowing at the edges.

Whateverrareability Sienna was using it was beyond powerful and highly volatile, its energy pulsating the very air between them before its strength as quickly subsided.

He stared at her, awed by the fact she’d managed to throw out such force when she was about as weak as she’d possibly get. He narrowed his eyes. “Are you going to tell me whatthatwas all about?”

She crossed her arms, as though warding off his question even as she unwittingly pushed her breasts up. That she seemed immune to her nakedness now only tantalized him more, his blood pressure surging right along with his dick. She might be strong like a warrior but she had a feminine, soft side too, with curves in all the right places.

It’d taken everything he had just to pretend indifference to her and go to some distant place in his head while he’d carried her naked in his arms. That his dick had taken on a life of its own, no matter where he’d gone to in his head hadn’t mattered. She’d been in his arms, and thankfully, unable to see his concrete erection.

Her sudden, crooked little smile did crazy things to his pulse. “You might need to explain yourself better,” she said, making light of what he’d felt. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.”

He reached out and cupped her chin, holding her gaze with his. “Don’t play games with me, Sienna. I’ve seen and done things that would make you sick to your stomach and make you think twice about—”

“Is that a threat?” she interjected. Her gaze glowed faintly with green. “Did you not think I might have already seen the worst I can possibly see? I saw my people die—women and children—watched them get slashed into ribbons. Watched my lands become a bloodbath. I doubt that you’ve lived through anything worse than that.”

He sucked air through his teeth. She was right. Nothing he’d seen and done compared. Her people had been wiped out—all but seven of them, to his knowledge—murdered by an alien race of sadistic motherfuckers that only cared about being at the top of the power-chain.

It made his own quest to learn what he could about the Dronians even more imperative. His people were on the verge of collapse already, though his people loved to fuck, their desire to breed lessened with each generation. Despite Gorema’s powerful weapons, the sheer numbers of Dronians meant they would destroy his unique world all too easily.

His whole body stiffened. They were running out of time! The Dronians might well decide the last seven of the Strazanians weren’t worth the effort of killing, then move onto the next planet to annihilate.

His voice came out rough and unapologetic despite his words. “My apologies for making light of your past experiences, it couldn’t have been easy. You’re a true survivor, and not just because you’re one of the last of your kind.”

Her hard gaze softened fractionally, and his constricted chest loosened even as his breath steadied. He didn’t want them to be enemies, though that was an impossibility being that he held her prisoner.